
“Hey, babe.” Hearing his ex-boyfriend’s voice took Spencer completely off guard. He hadn’t spoken with Peter in over a year, not since Peter had cheated and then ended their relationship. “What’re you doing tonight? I thought we could meet at Windsor. Say, eight o’clock?”

Spencer moved the phone from his ear and looked at it, needing to confirm that he was in fact talking to the man who’d said he was boring, predictable, bad in bed, and probably some other things Spencer had managed to block out in the intervening months. Why he hadn’t ended things with Peter long before Peter broke up with him was now a mystery. Once he made a visual confirmation of Peter’s number on the screen, he decided Peter must have called him by accident. A misdial was the only thing that made sense.

“Uh, Peter.” He cleared his throat. “This is Spencer.”

“I know that. I called you, remember?” Peter laughed, the sound harsh and cruel. “Some things never change. You’re still as clueless as ever. But that’s okay. I can deal with it, which is what I want to talk to you about, actually. So I’ll see you at eight.”

Before Spencer could process what Peter was saying and respond, the line went dead. The last thing he needed was to hear more about all of his shortcomings and failings. He’d put up with way too much of that already. And besides, he had seen Emilio’s reaction to him comforting a student, so he knew the new man in his life wouldn’t appreciate having him cancel their plans to go spend time with his ex. Just thinking about Emilio being the man in his life made Spencer feel stronger, safer.

He dialed Peter right back. He would say that he couldn’t meet him that night. No, he would say that he wouldn’t meet him period. Not that night and not any other. End of discussion. Just when he had worked up a good head of steam, Peter’s phone went to voice mail. Nobody liked listening to messages, to the point where it seemed people would do almost anything to clear the voice mail icon from their phones, anything except listen to the dreaded voice mails. Knowing a message likely would result in aggravation, Spencer decided to text Peter instead.

Without letting himself obsess about it, he typed, I won’t make it tonight, and hit send. There, it was handled. With shaky hands, Spencer stripped out of his clothes and headed for the shower, hoping it’d help soothe his anxiety so he could give Emilio the fun night out he wanted.

“HEY,” Emilio said as he stepped into the bathroom, making sure to speak loudly enough to be heard over the rushing water. “You okay with company in there?”

“You naked and wet?” Spencer pulled the curtain open and grinned, the expression seeming to take effort, which was strange. “Yes, I’m good with that.”

Emilio flicked his eyes over Spencer’s nude body and moaned appreciatively. He loved how Spencer was put together—firm but not bulky, a smattering of light-brown hair on his chest and trailing down to his pubic bush, a nice-sized dick, even in its flaccid state, balls that were a perfect mouthful, and that ass. He groaned again. He fucking loved Spencer’s ass.

As he always did when they showered together, Spencer moved over to make room for Emilio under the water. “Thanks, Spence,” he said. The smile he got that time seemed to come easier.

He reached for the soap and lathered up fast, then made quick work of washing his hair. Spencer stayed nearby the entire time, his big brown eyes taking everything in as he softly touched Emilio’s hip, his shoulder, his chest. In response to Spencer’s obvious admiration, Emilio’s blood flowed south, filling his cock. Spencer always looked at him like he couldn’t get enough, like Emilio was something special. It was a heady feeling and it made him hard, made him horny every damn time.

“I replaced the hot water heater yesterday,” he said to Spencer, arousal making his voice sound thick and gravelly. “I put in a fifty gallon.” Once he was rinsed clean, he crowded Spencer up against the wall. “That means the hot water won’t run out.”

Emilio slanted his mouth over Spencer’s, lapping at his lips before tugging the lower one between his teeth. He shoved his knee between Spencer’s legs and moved forward, nudging Spencer’s balls with his muscular thigh as he slid his tongue into Spencer’s mouth. Spencer rocked against him, moaning and kissing.

“Turn around, cariño,” he said as he dropped to his knees. He licked Spencer’s testicles and looked up at him. In this position, he was sure to be nonthreatening. “Please turn around.”

Spencer gulped, then nodded and turned so he was facing the wall. He flattened his hands on the tile and whispered, “Like this?”