“We better clean up now,” Emilio said huskily. “’Cause if I keep on touching you, I’m gonna forget all about the dishes and go down on you right here in the kitchen.”

“I can clean up later.” Spencer was flushed and breathless. It was a good look on the man.

“No. You cooked. That means I clean up. That’s how we did it in my family growing up.”

Emilio loved the idea of carrying forward what he’d learned from his parents into this relationship. He already had such high hopes for where things could go with Spencer that, for a second, he had a flash of fear—what if he was wrong? What if he wouldn’t be able to gain Spencer’s trust? What if they weren’t as compatible as he thought? But then he gazed into Spencer’s eyes and recognized the same desires and needs he had reflected right back at him. This man was different from anybody Emilio had met. Spencer was special, and, okay, yeah, he was scared, but he wanted this as much as Emilio. So just as fast as the uncharacteristic doubts hit him, they drained away.

“You go get ready for bed,” he said tenderly. “I’ll take care of things out here and then I’ll come in and love on you.”

Chapter 7

FOLLOWING Emilio’s directions in a daze, Spencer climbed off his lap and started walking out of the room. It had been the most surreal day of his life, and he couldn’t quite get his bearings. But despite his seemingly constant sense of confusion, Spencer felt happy, really happy down deep. And he knew he owed that to Emilio.

Gorgeous Emilio, who had bartered sex with Spencer in exchange for construction services, which should had been offensive, really, and disconcerting in its similarity to prostitution, but Spencer found himself pleased beyond measure that Emilio wanted him that much.

Strong Emilio, who, instead of turning away in reaction to Spencer’s hang-ups, had been patient, his arousal never flagging as he gave Spencer the best sexual experience he could remember.

Skilled Emilio, who would be able to bring Spencer’s house into modern times almost by himself. Hopefully while shirtless and wearing a tool belt.

Kind Emilio, who was, at that very moment, clearing the table. Spencer came to a halt in the middle of the hall. It was rude to make his guest clean up and do the dishes, even if Emilio insisted. So Spencer turned around and walked back to the kitchen.

The sound of whistling stopped him in the doorway. He stood at the edge of the room and watched Emilio bop around as he picked up glasses, plates, and cutlery and carried them to the sink. He was smiling and literally whistling while he worked, looking happy as could be and seemingly feeling right at home. Spencer was amazed at how quickly Emilio had managed to assimilate into his home. The man fit perfectly.

He kept walking toward his target and took Emilio a bit off guard when he circled his arms around his waist, pressed his chest to Emilio’s back, and squeezed him tight. “Hi,” he mumbled against Emilio’s smooth skin.

“Hey.” After setting the bowl he was holding on the counter, Emilio shifted around so they were front to front, kissed his forehead, and combed his fingers through his hair. “Everything okay?”

Spencer blinked up at him. “This is weird, right?”

“Umm.” Emilio furrowed his brow and said, “Explain what you mean.”

“I don’t know.” He rested his head against Emilio’s shoulder, avoiding eye contact but maintaining a physical connection. “This thing between us,” he said. “It’s kind of… a lot and it’s really fast.” He gulped and then looked up and met Emilio’s eyes. “Isn’t it?”

After stroking his hair for a few seconds, Emilio took in a deep breath and said, “I really like being with you. It feels right to me. How about you? Are you happy about our plan, about me being here, being with you?”

“Yes,” Spencer said before he could think too hard about it. Only a couple of minutes earlier, he had been thinking about how happy he felt. It would be mean to hold that back when Emilio was so open about his own feelings.

“Well, then, does it matter if it’s weird? Yeah, it’s fast and yeah, it’s different from what I’m used to, but you’re happy, and I’m happy. Even if it’s weird, what does it matter?”

Though it was a simplistic view of life or relationships or really just about anything, Spencer couldn’t argue with it. He could probably come up with a million reasons to be anxious or to worry, but at its core, the situation came down to exactly what Emilio said—they were both happy. It was like he often explained to his students: the simple approach to solving a problem was usually the best one. No reason to complicate things.