Little brother? Daniel was Oliver’s brother? Asher groaned and hoped nobody else could hear him.

Just great. He had a raging hard-on for his friend’s brother. That probably violated multiple clauses in the guy code.

Asher suddenly regretted every piece of information he’d ever shared with Oliver about his private life over the past decade. Friend or not, there was no way Oliver would be supportive of Asher dating a member of his family given what he knew about Asher’s proclivities.

Wait, dating? Since when did Asher date? Oh, this internal mental wrestling match was just getting better and better.

“Sorry I’m late, Ollie. I missed my flight so I had to wait for the next one and go on standby. I forgot to charge my cell. It’s totally dead, and that’s where I have your number so I couldn’t call to let you know,” Daniel rambled.

Oliver was clearly feeling no pain. He smiled and wedged himself between Asher and Daniel, flopping his arms over their shoulders and leading them through the casino to the sofas in the hotel lobby, where the bachelor party dream team was waiting.

“No problem, Danny. Are you all checked in? ’Cause we’re all starving and we were waiting on you for dinner,” Oliver asked.

“Oh,” Daniel sighed. “Yeah, about that….” He cleared his throat. “I could have sworn I made reservations but when I tried to check in, the hotel said they didn’t have me down and they were all booked up for tonight. I was able to get a room for tomorrow night, and they said they’d call a few other hotels to see if they could fit me in tonight.”

“You’re welcome to share my room.” Asher heard the offer being made, and it took a few seconds to realize he was the one making it.

Oliver looked at him in confusion and Asher pointedly ignored him.

“I’m sure I can get a room somewhere.” Daniel smiled shyly. “Vegas is like the hotel capital of the world or something. I don’t want to put you out.”

Smile, nod, and move on. You made the offer, which was polite, albeit weird. Anything else would be pushing it too far. Asher didn’t bother listening to his own mental advice.

“It wouldn’t put me out. And it’ll be easier for us all to stay in the same hotel.” Asher looked past Oliver’s body and smiled at Daniel, hoping the other man could see how happy he’d be to share his space. “Plus, it’ll be fun.”

Daniel beamed. “Yeah, it will. Thanks, Ash. I’d love to stay in your room.”

“Ash?” Oliver squeaked. “Dude, I highly recommend against nicknames for my man over here.” He elbowed Asher as he spoke. “He goes by Asher or Captain Penaz. That’s it.”

That actually wasn’t it. Asher also went by “sir” or “master,” but now didn’t seem like the time to point out that little tidbit.

“Oh!” Daniel cried out. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to, uh, I didn’t—”

“Ash is fine, Daniel,” Asher said in what he hoped was a reassuring tone. The damn thing was rusty from lack of use. “I like the nickname,” he added hastily, wanting to remove the nervous, uncomfortable expression from Daniel’s face. He much preferred the man’s bright smile and twinkling eyes.

“Oh, you like it? Since when do you like nicknames, Ash?” Oliver put emphasis on the name.

Damn it, but Oliver had managed to get more annoying with every drink. Asher wasn’t sure he’d make it through the night without punching his friend. He stepped forward and forced Oliver to drop his arm off his shoulder.

“Watch it, Ollie,” he growled. “I said I liked it when Daniel called me Ash. I didn’t say you could use the name.”

He glared at Oliver, daring him to get in his way as he moved between him and Daniel, taking back his place by the man’s side where he belonged and hoping to alleviate any concerns regarding the adorable nickname.

And there he went again with the weird thoughts. Asher Penaz belonged in his orderly San Francisco apartment, not at a stupid bachelor party in Las Vegas. He belonged at the precinct, making sure every case was handled properly. He belonged in a dungeon, pushing subs up against their boundaries. But belonging next to a guy he’d just met? That was just—Asher sighed and hooked his arm through Daniel’s as they continued walking. Yeah, he felt like that was where he belonged, like the other man needed him.

“So, where are we going for dinner, Ollie?” He directed the question to Oliver but didn’t stop looking at Daniel. Those brown eyes blinked at him and seemed to take over the open face.

“Prime,” Oliver answered. “Tell me again how you two met.”

“Out on the Strip,” Asher answered absently. “Daniel, do you need to go change or anything before dinner?” he asked.

Daniel looked down at his faded T-shirt, frayed jeans, and flip-flops. Asher could see a blush creep up Daniel’s neck and his shoulders seemed to hunch together, but when he looked up and met Asher’s eyes, his gaze never wavered.