It had been some time since he’d held a man during a spanking. Usually, Asher forced them to bend over a bench or he’d cuff them to chains hanging from the ceiling in one of the rooms in the club. That allowed him to have more room to extend his arm. Plus, he rarely used his hand, preferring a paddle because it allowed him to strike for longer. So, in some ways, he was as unfamiliar with the current scene as Daniel.

Unfamiliar or not, Asher wanted this, had thought of it almost every time he watched Daniel’s ass sway as he walked over the past five months. And with that thought in mind, he raised his hand and brought it down onto Daniel’s skin with a loud clap. Though Daniel didn’t pull away, he whimpered. Asher paused. That wasn’t an aroused sound, he decided, so he reduced the power of his smacks, moving from one side of Daniel’s ass to the other, bringing a rosy glow to his fair cheeks but not hitting hard enough to hurt.

“Feel good?” he asked when Daniel moaned.

Though the man didn’t answer with words, his body’s reaction made the answer clear. Daniel tilted his ass and moved toward Asher’s hand as Asher continued to rain swats over his skin. It wasn’t long before Daniel’s backside was red and hot to the touch. Though the slaps had been light, they’d been at it for some time, and Asher knew Daniel would be feeling sore later. It was time to stop.

“You did so well, sugar,” Asher crooned as he gently rubbed circles over that smooth, fiery skin. “So hot like this.” The skinny body in his lap went limp in response to the praise.

This was usually the part of a scene when Asher got off. He’d yank out his dick and slam it into the sub’s mouth or his ass and then pull out just in time to coat the willing body with his release. But though he was hard, Asher didn’t want to fuck Daniel in that moment. He just wanted to hold him.

“Come up here,” he said encouragingly.

When Daniel sighed, but didn’t move, Asher bent down, rolled him onto this back, and cradled him in his arms.

Daniel lolled his head to the side and blinked up at Asher. “What’re you doing?” he asked, his words sounding slow and slurred.

“Taking you to the bedroom.” He smiled fondly at the man in his arms, naked from the waist down, dick hard, skin flushed, eyes heavy-lidded. Daniel was an enticing combination of adorable as hell and sexy as sin.

“Mmm ’kay,” Daniel sighed. He turned his face into Asher’s chest, burrowing close. Then he pushed his hand under Asher’s shirt and moved his fingers over Asher’s chest hair.

When they got to the bedroom, Asher climbed onto the bed and lay down on his back. Daniel stayed curled on top of him, his breathing heavy, but slow. Asher combed his fingers through Daniel’s hair, smoothed his hand down the man’s back, and enjoyed the quiet as they lay together.

“I… I didn’t know it’d be like that,” Daniel said eventually.

Neither did Asher. That wasn’t a scene, at least not like any Asher had experienced. He supposed it was a spanking, technically speaking, but it had nothing other than a base similarity to the act as Asher had known it before that day.

“It’s not always like that,” Asher answered honestly, not wanting to lie to Daniel about something he hoped they’d continue to do.

Daniel folded his arms across Asher’s chest and raised his head, propping his chin on his forearms. “What’s it usually like?” he asked as he wiggled a little, seemingly trying to find a comfortable spot. “Is it more, uh, intense? Like how it was at the beginning?”

The beginning was when Asher had slapped with strength, which had ended after he’d heard one pained whimper. Some bad-ass Dom he was turning out to be.

“Harder, yeah,” he said. “But….” He thought about what they’d just shared, looked at the man in his arms, and felt his chest tighten and his breath stutter. “Not more intense.”

If anything, having Daniel lie across his lap and trust him with a light spanking had been more passionate, more intimate, more emotional than any whipping or caning he’d dished out. It didn’t make sense, like so many things having to do with Daniel. But it felt good. Asher always felt good when he was with Daniel.

He squeezed the man in his arms tightly, then cupped his nape and tugged his face down for a kiss. It was loving, tender, and so perfect that Asher didn’t want to stop, even though it meant waiting a little longer to take care of his hard-on.

A SPANKING. He’d lain across Asher’s lap and let the man spank him. And he’d liked it. Daniel closed his eyes and shuddered with the remembered feelings. It hurt at first, but then Asher changed something and the pain became something good, like the feeling he got when Asher twisted his nipples. So it hurt, yeah, but it felt fucking fine too. Made his dick hard, made his balls ache. Almost enough to make him cum if it’d gone on a little longer.