Asher was shaking with anger but he couldn’t release his hold on Daniel, couldn’t take the chance that he’d walk out on him and go back to whoever he’d been with that day. Couldn’t take the chance that he’d lose him. “Who. Were. You. With.” He was grinding his teeth so each word sounded like a growl.

“I was at Marc’s house.”

He knew it!

“Who the fuck is Marc?” he snapped. “And what the fuck were you doing there when you should have been here?” When you should have been waiting for me. When I needed you.

With all his wiggling and squirming, Daniel’s shorts had started slipping, and Asher suddenly noticed that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “Never mind,” he hissed into Daniel’s ear. “I know exactly what you were doing. Did it feel good, Daniel?”

“What’re you—”

He didn’t give Daniel a chance to finish speaking. Instead he shoved the man’s shorts down past his hips and rubbed his groin against that tight ass. For the first time since he’d met Daniel, being close to him wasn’t making Asher hard enough to pound nails. He circled his hips, hoping the friction would get him where he needed to be. It didn’t. “Here I was being patient, giving you time. And it turns out all your talk of relationships was just a bunch of bullshit. I leave you alone for a few hours and you go out prowling for someone to fill your hole.”


“Tell me this, did he use a rubber or did you let him bareback you? I bet you get off on being a cum dump, don’t you?” Asher moved his hand over Daniel’s ass and wiggled his fingers into his crease, looking for the evidence of his betrayal, but a sharp elbow to the ribs took him off guard.

“Omph!” The air pushed out of Asher’s diaphragm, and he tried to suck in a breath. Before he could get himself together, Daniel had twisted around so they were face to face. He flipped his wrist and Asher lost his grip on it. Then Daniel pushed his hand up, folding Asher’s wrist until his fingers touched his forearm. The resulting pain was so sharp that it dropped Asher to the ground. All of that happened in less than thirty seconds. Asher was reeling.

“I know this doesn’t feel good and I want to let you go, but you need to tell me that you’re going to calm down, because the first time you finger my ass, it’s not going to be in the middle of a jealous rage.” How Daniel could sound so calm when Asher felt like his head was going to explode was incomprehensible. “Are we clear?” Daniel added.

“You brought me to my knees,” Asher said incredulously, looking up at the smaller man.

“I had to.” Daniel cupped Asher’s face with his left hand and loosened the grip he had with his right hand. “Otherwise you were going to do something you’d regret.”

“I’m twice your size,” Asher pointed out unnecessarily.

Daniel grinned. “I’m tougher than I look. Used to teach Taekwondo. Third-degree black belt. Now, are you relaxed enough to hold it together while we have a conversation?”

At that point, Asher knew he could get loose. Daniel had caught him off guard with that little self-defense move, but the man wasn’t strong enough to keep Asher down for long. He shifted his weight so he tipped backward and landed on his ass. Then he grabbed Daniel’s hip and pulled him down onto his lap. He expected Daniel to pull away, to be scared after the way Asher had been acting, but Daniel surprised him once again when he snuggled closer into his embrace and draped his arms over Asher’s shoulders, looking perfectly at ease.

“Marc is your neighbor,” he said. It took Asher a few seconds to catch up and realize Daniel was answering his earlier question. “He lives three doors down and he’s a chef. I ran into him when I was going for a walk today, and he asked about yesterday’s fire.” Daniel’s cheeks reddened. “I guess the smell traveled. Anyway, I told him what happened and he offered to teach me a few tricks. I was at his place putting the finishing touches on dinner when you called.” Daniel smiled gently at Asher and traced his eyebrows with a long finger. “I figure if I can walk there without putting on shoes and we share the same roof, it counts as me being home. If I’d known you were here, I would have been more specific.”

“How is it I’ve never met this neighbor?” Asher grumbled, not liking the sound of anybody teaching Daniel tricks.

Daniel’s eyes twinkled. He dipped his head and skated his lips across Asher’s jaw with a barely there touch. “He works nights, you work days. He’s off tonight, which is the only reason he was able to help me this late. Any more questions?”