“Gum?” Daniel said. “Nope. Got lots of experience getting cum out of hair, though.” He winked.

“Nice,” Shirley said. “Hair’s not bad. Once had a guy shoot in my eye, though. Burned like a bitch.”

“Yeah.” Daniel chuckled. “Up the nose is no bueno either.”

“Totally,” Shirley agreed. Then she sighed deeply. “Dating sucks. I swear, guys in their thirties and forties are like parking spots. All the good ones are taken and the only ones left are emotionally handicapped. I finally got to the point where I stopped trying to find the forever guy and after a date I’d just ask myself, is this someone who I’ll want spending Wednesdays and every other weekend with my kids?”

Daniel froze and stared at the woman who was about to marry his brother. It took a moment, but then she shot up in her chair and gasped, apparently realizing what she’d said and to whom she’d said it. “Danny, listen, I….” She froze, her mouth hanging open but no words coming out. “I have no idea how to finish this sentence. Shit.”

They sat together quietly and Daniel thought about what she’d said, about what she’d asked him. Did he think Oliver wanted to be with Shirley? He put his arm around her shoulder and drew her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder.

“Here’s the thing. I don’t know my brother. Not really. I’ve lived here for, what? Six months. And I’ve probably spent ten times as much time with Ollie during that time as I have in the rest of my life combined, phone calls included. So I guess what I’m saying is, you know him better than me. And it sounds like you have some things to work out before you walk down the aisle.”

Shirley swung her leg and nudged Daniel’s shoe with her foot. “We weren’t planning on having an aisle.” Her voice sounded a little congested, like she was holding back tears.

“Oh, in that case, fuck it. Bring on the wedding.”

Shirley laughed and sniffled. “Thanks, Danny.”


She wiped at the corners of her eyes and cleared her throat. “Okay, pity party’s done. Let’s go get those pants you saw up front and hope they fit.”

“I’m on it,” he said as he got up from his seat.

“And then it’s your turn,” Shirley added.

Daniel groaned.

“OKAY, I’m not making fun of you or anything, but—” Shirley took a deep breath. “Do you have body dysmorphia or something?”

“What? No!”

“Then why do you keep choosing things that are four sizes too big? I mean, I know sometimes people are heavy when they’re younger and then they lose weight and they don’t realize that their body isn’t the same anymore and—”

“I know what my body looks like,” Daniel assured her.

“Really? Well, those size thirty-two jeans say otherwise. Look, your man asked me to make sure you got clothes that fit and I know you don’t want to disappoint him, so you get your tiny butt into the fitting room and I’m going to bring you things to try on.”

Daniel wanted to argue, but Asher had been trying to get him to buy new clothes almost from the moment they met. And he frequently commented on the size of Daniel’s jeans. And shirts. And boxers.

“Fine,” Daniel said, his resignation clear in his tone. “No flashy colors or fabrics, though. I, uh, don’t like to stand out.”

“Sure thing.” Shirley nodded. “What do you consider flashy?”

Daniel thought about it. “Let’s go with black. Easier to blend in that way. I’ll be waiting in the fitting room.”

DANIEL woke in the middle of the night and felt a warm, hairy arm wrapped around his chest and a hard, hairy body pressed against his back. He sighed happily. Something happened at work that had kept Asher there all night on Tuesday, and so late the previous day that Daniel had stopped waiting up for him and just gone to bed. He blinked his eyes open and saw the beginnings of light coming in from the perimeter of the window. Still too early to wake up, but with Asher being so busy, they hadn’t had a chance to talk since before they’d met Oliver and Shirley for dinner on Monday. Before they decided to go to the Burning Wrath and Indignation concert.

He rolled over and kissed Asher’s neck. “Ash?” he whispered. Asher grunted and moved his hand down to Daniel’s ass, caressing and squeezing even while he slept. “Asher?” Daniel repeated. He knew Asher needed his sleep and he hated waking him, but if he didn’t do it now, he’d fall back asleep and Asher would be at work by the time he woke up.

Thinking a little more stimulation would help, Daniel started kissing Asher at the base of his throat and then up his neck. “Ash?” he said again once he felt Asher stir.

“Mmmm,” Asher mumbled. He cupped the back of Daniel’s head, tangled fingers in his hair, and pulled him forward until their lips met. Even mostly asleep the man could deliver a kiss that had Daniel hard in seconds. Powerful, all-consuming, like a declaration of ownership with lips and tongue and teeth. Daniel never wanted it to stop. “What time is it?” Asher asked groggily.