Daniel smiled tightly and nodded, but he didn’t say anything in response.
“Plus,” Shirley continued, “it’s so great that we’re all going together. I had reservations at Salvador’s for before the show. I called on the way here and they said that they can fit all four of us in. What do you think? Should we make a whole night of it? It’ll be a blast.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Asher noticed Daniel looking at him for a decision. His belly warmed in response to Daniel’s deference. “Sounds great, Shirl,” he said to Shirley. Then he smiled at Daniel and cupped his cheek, showing him without words that he was pleased. “Salvador’s is an Italian restaurant in the Mission,” he explained. “It’s supposed to be really good.”
“That’s where Marc works,” Daniel said. “So I’m sure it’s amazing.”
“Marc?” Asher asked, wondering who this man was and how Daniel knew him.
Daniel smiled fondly and squeezed his knee. “Yes. Marc. Your neighbor. The one who’s been helping me learn how to cook.”
“Oh, right.” Asher realized he was frowning and he had no idea why. “Right,” he said again, forcing himself to relax. “Marc.” Whom he had yet to meet.
The waitress walked up and took their orders.
“I think I need to go shopping tomorrow,” Shirley said. “I have the day off work anyway and I don’t have anything dressy enough for Salvador’s but casual enough to wear to BWI.”
“How is that possible? You have a closet full of clothes,” Oliver argued.
She rolled her eyes at him.
“Well, at least now you can use the gift card I gave you,” he added, seemingly determined to dig himself as far down a hole as possible at any cost.
The smile dropped from Shirley’s face and she glared at Oliver.
Asher had a moment of panic, fearing that the fight was going to resurface, which would mean Oliver asking to stay at his apartment. He desperately tried to think of a way to help Oliver out of the impending mess. Shopping made him think of Daniel and how he hadn’t been able to talk the man into buying clothes despite multiple efforts. The holes on the bottom of the sweatshirt he was currently wearing were proof. Daniel seemed to have endless patience where his brother was concerned, and he obviously wanted Shirley to be happy.
Asher had just stumbled onto the perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. Go him. “Daniel, you should go shopping with Shirley tomorrow,” he suggested and tried to hold back a smirk.
“Sure thing,” Daniel said with a smile. “I have time to hang out tomorrow. Do you mind having company, Shirley?” he asked.
“I’d love it!”
“That’s perfect. Because you could use some new clothes too,” Asher said evenly.
“I’m good on clothes,” Daniel responded.
Asher scoffed. “Sugar, you have two pairs of blue jeans and both are faded and riddled with holes. And your T-shirts aren’t in better shape. Those things might be okay for the concert, but you’re not going to get into Salvador’s wearing anything you own.”
“That’s true,” Shirley agreed. “You actually need to wear a collared shirt. I think jeans might be fine, but they’d have to be the dressy ones, you know?” Daniel’s eyes widened comically, as if they’d just suggested he cover his body in honey and roll around in a pile of fire ants. “Don’t worry, Danny,” she assured him. “I’ll help you pick something perfect. I’m really good at this. Ask your brother.”
All eyes turned to Oliver. He was stuffing fries into his mouth. When he noticed everyone looking at him, he paused. “What?” he asked around a mouthful of food.
“Okay. Shopping it is,” Daniel said, rescuing his brother from himself. Again.
“While you’re out, you should pick up some new shoes.” Asher figured he might as well go for broke. “Flip-flops won’t work, and the soles of your sneakers are peeling off.”
Daniel didn’t say anything, just nodded.
“This’ll be so much fun!” Shirley said. “We can hit the stores and have lunch.”
“Hey, Shirl, just make sure my boy here buys something that fits. He seems a little confused about his size.” Asher winked at Daniel.
“Never heard any complaints from you before,” Daniel grumbled under his breath.
“That’s because I’m usually getting you out of your clothes, sugar.” He cupped Daniel’s cheek with one hand, threaded the other through his hair, and nibbled on his earlobe. “Doesn’t much matter what they look like when they’re crumpled in the corner. But I’ve been telling you that you need some new things. And since we’re going out to a fancy restaurant, you should probably buy something that fits, okay?”
Daniel shivered and gulped. His pupils were dilated and his skin flushed. “Okay,” he squeaked.
Asher smirked at how easily he could unravel the smaller man.
“I’m still here,” Oliver said in annoyance. “Along with a restaurant full of people.”