“One of them’ll text back soon. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

Sure enough, Daniel’s phone buzzed. He took it out, looked at the screen, grimaced, and then seemed resigned as he typed a few words before putting it back in his pocket.

“What’d they say?” Oliver prodded. “They said no, right? I mean, you don’t look happy so… it’s okay, thanks for trying.” He slumped in his seat dejectedly.

“We’ve got the tickets,” Daniel said, which surprised both Oliver and Asher given Daniel’s expression when he received the text from his friend. Daniel turned to Asher. “Hey, uh, how do you feel about Burning Wrath and Indignation? Because to get the tickets for Ollie and Shirley, I need to go and I have a ticket for you too, if you don’t mind joining us.”

“Mind going to a BWI concert?” Asher asked incredulously. “Uh, I think I’ll find a way to power through for you, sugar,” he said sarcastically. Then he chuckled and tugged Daniel into his arms for a hug. “Why are you all pouty? I know how much you love music, and BWI’s a great band. You can’t hate them that much.”

“No, it’s not that. I really like BWI. It’s just”—Daniel darted his gaze over to Oliver, who was looking at them—“uh, it’s nothing,” he concluded quietly.

It wasn’t nothing. That much was obvious to Asher. But it looked like Daniel didn’t want to talk about whatever was bothering him in front of his brother. Speaking of Daniel’s brother….

“Hey, Ollie,” Asher said gruffly. “Don’t you want to call Shirley to let her know the good news?”

“Oh, right!” Oliver said, as if this was a novel idea. “She’ll be so happy.” He got out his phone and started tapping at the keys.

“You’re texting this information to her?” Asher asked incredulously. “Why don’t you call?”

Oliver shrugged and put his phone down on the table. It rang immediately, Shirley’s name lighting up the screen.

“Hey,” Oliver said in greeting. “Did you get my text?” He smiled and nodded. “I don’t know. Danny knows someone or something so all four of us are going. Pretty great, right?” He paused, presumably to listen to Shirley’s response. “We’re just about to order our food, so I’ll still be awhile.” To hear Oliver tell it, Shirley had been furious with him for days, and now that he’d finally redeemed himself he was going to put off seeing her to have a burger? “Oh, yeah, sure. We’re at Rusty’s Grill. It’s right around the corner from the precinct.”

He hung up his phone and smiled at Daniel. “Thanks again, Danny. You’re a lifesaver.” He picked up his menu and glanced down at it. “What’re you guys getting?”

Just then the waitress walked up. “Are you boys ready to order?” she asked.

Oliver set the menu down. “I think I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with fries.”

“Ollie?” Daniel said.


“It sounded like Shirley was planning to come up here.” He inclined his head toward the phone in reference to Oliver’s conversation with Shirley.

“She is,” Oliver confirmed with a nod.

Daniel stared at Oliver, presumably waiting for the obvious to sink in, but Asher knew that wouldn’t happen. The two divorces and five broken engagements weren’t an accident. Oliver was hopeless. Asher took a deep breath and shook his head before turning to the waitress. “We’ll need a few more minutes. A fourth person is joining us.”

It didn’t take long for Shirley to arrive. She was smiling as brightly as ever as she rushed toward their table. Perceptive as always, she looked at the empty table and then turned toward Asher and Daniel. “Thanks for waiting for me. I hope you’re not starving.”

Daniel stood up as much as possible between the bench seat and the table. He reached for Shirley and she leaned in and kissed his cheek. Asher wasn’t one for hugging, which, again, Shirley knew, so she just nodded and smiled at him. “Hi, Asher,” she said.

Then she slid in next to Oliver and rubbed her hand up and down his bicep. “How was work?”

He shrugged. “Fine. Same as always.”

The woman didn’t seem as irate as Oliver had described. She didn’t even seem upset. Daniel looked at Asher and raised one eyebrow in question, no doubt noticing the same thing. Although Asher wasn’t close friends with Shirley, he’d gone to the academy with her ex, so he had known her for years. She had always been easygoing and laid-back, and while he didn’t discount the possibility that Oliver could test even her even-keeled temper, it was just as likely that the man had been overreacting.

Whatever. Oliver wasn’t bunking at their place. They were going to see Burning Wrath and Indignation. All’s well that ends well.

“Danny, thanks so much for getting the BWI tickets.” Shirley was practically bouncing in her seat. “I’m such a huge fan. I’m sure Ollie told you.” She patted Oliver’s shoulder. “Their songs are like poetry.” She sighed and closed her eyes, swaying slightly, like she was hearing music in her mind.