There were bowls everywhere, the sink was full, and he counted three spoons dripping who knew what on their counter. He took a deep breath, counted to ten in his head, and then spoke. “So, what’s for dinner?”
“Umm, let’s see—” Daniel darted his eyes around. He looked nervous. “Braised chicken with a mole sauce, a butter lettuce, jicama, black bean, and corn salad, and corn tortillas.”
“All this mess for chicken and salad?” Asher asked, raising one eyebrow in surprise.
“Chicken and salad?” The pitch of Daniel’s voice got higher and his eyes burned, though not with arousal. “Do you know how long it takes to make mole?”
“Uh, I don’t—”
“Two days. There are, like, two dozen ingredients in it. Plus there was the chicken itself. Cutting up the vegetables for the salad. Making this dressing, which has lime and cilantro and cumin.” He stopped and shook his head. “Gave Marc a nice laugh when I mispronounced that one. And he was working today, so other than getting recipe tips earlier this week and calling him a couple of times today, I was pretty much on my own and I’m still getting the hang of this.” Daniel was waving his hands around as he spoke, his voice getting louder. “And, just so you know, when someone makes you dinner, you’re supposed to thank them, not chastise them.”
“Chastise?” Asher repeated.
“Yeah, you know, like I’m a kid who just got caught doing something wrong and you’re my dad. When you look at me like that I feel like I’m about to get grounded or get a spanking or something.”
Asher didn’t respond to the accusation. He couldn’t. Every ounce of mental power he had was stuck on the word spanking.
In reaction to Asher’s silence, Daniel hunched his shoulders together and sighed. “You go get changed and I’ll clean up. Okay?”
The disappointment pouring off Daniel snapped Asher out of his trance. “Hey.” He tilted Daniel’s chin up so their gazes met. “I didn’t mean anything by that comment. I like that you’re learning how to cook and I know you always clean up after. Hell, you keep everything in the place looking nice. But….” Asher paused and grasped Daniel’s ass, squeezing and massaging it. “I’d love to spank you, sugar. Fuckin’ love it.” His voice sounded rough and husky to his own ears.
Daniel stilled and blinked rapidly. He seemed to be taken off guard by Asher’s proclamation.
“You’ve said that before,” he said slowly. “In Vegas. I think you were drunk.”
“I might have been,” Asher confessed, and then he chuckled. “That trip was hell on my liver. But being drunk had nothing to do with me wanting to warm your ass, sugar. I meant it then and I mean it now.”
“Why? Why would you want to hurt me?” Daniel asked, his tone earnest.
It was a fair question. With some guys, pain was the goal. But that was because it was their goal. They got off on it. Daniel didn’t, Asher realized. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy being put over Asher’s knee. The man wasn’t into pain, but he got off on being held down, being controlled. Nothing unraveled Daniel as quickly as the times when Asher pinned his wrists to the bed and thrust deep inside him.
“Not hurt,” Asher clarified. “Spank. It isn’t the same thing.” He nibbled his way across Daniel’s jaw to his ear and grasped his ass with both hands, squeezing hard. “We both know how much you enjoy ass play. You go wild when I go near your backside. You’ll love this.”
Daniel gulped. “And if I don’t?” he choked out.
“Then we’ll stop. But that won’t be an issue. Trust me.” He massaged Daniel’s cheeks as he spoke.
“I do, you know? Trust you, I mean.”
Those big brown were wide and adoring as Daniel gazed at him. Asher swallowed down the lump in his throat and nodded. Being turned on in reaction to the plans they’d just made was to be expected, but he found himself feeling something different. His heart ached, like it was too big for his chest, and his breath hitched.
“I know,” he said. He twined his fingers with Daniel’s. “And I won’t let you down.”
Daniel blushed. “So, uh, what do we do? I mean, do you want to… now? Or, uh….”
Once again, Daniel had found a way to bring a smile to Asher’s face. He was so adorably nervous about a simple spanking, something most subs just took as their due. Whether with a hand or a tool, whether on their asses, their legs, or their backs, they always expected the sensation. It was one of the main reasons they wanted to have a scene with a Dom, with Asher.
“Right now I’m going to get out of my work clothes. Then we’re going to eat dinner. I’ll know when the time is right to warm your sweet ass. That’s not something you need to think about.” He rubbed his hand over that pert ass. “Don’t I always take care of you, sugar?”