“Asher!” Daniel cried out, his hands grasping for purchase, his hips rolling up.

“Thought so.” Asher chuckled. “Flip over,” he commanded. Daniel scrambled to comply, rolling to his stomach and laying his arms flat by his sides. He spread his legs and Asher settled between them, pulled him open, and dove back in, flicking his tongue over Daniel’s hole, then flattening it and licking across the puckered skin. “Fuckin’ delicious,” Asher said. “Gonna get you off this way.”

Daniel keened, bending his knees, feet in the air. Asher wrapped his arms around Daniel’s lower back and buried his face in his trench, sucking on his opening before pointing his tongue and pushing it inside, fucking him with it. Daniel fisted the edge of the couch cushion, bit into the arm, and rocked back against Asher’s mouth, humping his cock against the leather.

He loved being rimmed, it was true, but he’d never had anyone eat his ass like this. He couldn’t talk, couldn’t think, hell, he couldn’t even breathe. All his feelings centered on the pleasure in his ass. His gasps and moans turned into shouts until he was shaking and begging and damn near crying with need and then, suddenly, he was there. He arched, stretched his neck, squeezed his eyes shut and cried out Asher’s name as he started coming all over the couch.

Before he was finished, Asher scrambled up, covering his body like a blanket and pushing his erection between Daniel’s cheeks, rubbing off on him. His hot breath huffed against the side of Daniel’s face as Asher whispered roughly into his ear. “Bet nobody ever did that for you before, right?” he asked while he slid his dick through Daniel’s trench.

Daniel just shook his head—words were impossible when he couldn’t yet take in enough air.

“That’s right,” Asher continued. “Only I can make you feel that way. You know why?”

Daniel shook his head again.

“Because I take care of what’s mine. And you’re mine aren’t you, sugar?”

Daniel nodded and blinked tears away, the intensity of the moment shattering him.

“Say it,” Asher demanded. “Say you’re mine.”

Daniel swallowed hard. “I’m yours,” he whispered hoarsely.

Asher stilled, called out his name, and came.

Chapter 16

ASHER walked into the apartment and felt all the tension drain from his body. The overhead lights were off and the room was bathed in a warm glow from candlelight. Daniel had a thing for candles, something Asher figured out after he started noticing them popping up on various surfaces: the bathroom counter next to a ceramic bowl Daniel bought that was just the right size to hold Asher’s watch and wallet; the dresser and nightstands in the bedroom; on top of mismatched antique candlesticks in various heights; in the kitchen, between the stove and a stoneware vase Daniel used to hold an assortment of wooden spoons and spatulas he used for cooking; on a round teak table Daniel bought and put next to the sofa.

The candles were different sizes, shapes, and colors, but somehow their scents all worked together without being overpowering so when Daniel lit them, their apartment smelled like cinnamon and lavender and vanilla. Not something he would have thought he’d enjoy, but it had grown on him and now he looked forward to the welcoming scent at the end of the day.

He was about to call out to Daniel when he heard him crooning in the kitchen. Asher froze. He had heard the other man sing several times, but never when Daniel realized he was listening. Whenever Asher heard Daniel’s warm, soothing voice, he’d walk into the room quietly and watch his fill. The singing always went with dancing and Daniel was sexy as hell when he moved to music. It didn’t hurt that he usually sang in the shower. Naked, wet, and gyrating Daniel—nothing better.

This time, Daniel was in the kitchen, slicing bread, shaking his ass in his always baggy jeans, and humming a tune Asher didn’t recognize, sprinkling in words every so often. Asher leaned his forearm against the doorframe and crossed his left ankle over his right. When Daniel swayed over to the refrigerator, he noticed Asher and jumped.

“Ash!” he shouted. “You startled me. When did you get home? And why are you lurking like that?”

“I wasn’t lurking,” Asher said with a leer. “I was enjoying the view.”

“Well, announce yourself or something next time. You almost gave me a heart attack.” Daniel wiped his hands on his jeans and walked toward Asher. They met in the middle of the kitchen and Daniel slipped into Asher’s arms. “Hey, you,” he whispered as he tilted his face up expectantly.

What had once been uncomfortable now came naturally to Asher. He dipped down and pressed his lips to Daniel’s, kissing him tenderly, tugging that full bottom lip between both of his, and then kissing him again. Eventually, he straightened and looked around the kitchen.