Daniel blushed. He knew how meticulous Asher was about everything, cleanliness included. “Sorry,” he said. “I wasn’t thinking. I just like touching you.”

Asher raised his cum-covered hand to Daniel’s face and painted his jaw, nose, and finally his lips with sticky fingers, leaving a damp trail of his seed behind. “The feeling’s mutual,” he said in a husky voice.

A sharp feeling of arousal tightened in Daniel’s belly. “Ungh,” he moaned. “I can’t get hard again, Ash. Jesus!”

“Is that a challenge?” Asher grinned wickedly, looking like a wild tiger who’d found his cage door unlocked.

Daniel’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit.”

DANIEL woke the next morning to the feeling of firm lips trailing kisses up his spine, from the top of his ass to his nape.

“Morning, sugar,” Asher’s rough voice whispered in his ear. “How’d you sleep?”

He sighed and melted into the bed, finding just enough strength to open his eyes and meet Asher’s gaze. “Slept great. When we weren’t going at it.”

It had been an amazing night—a sensual shower, followed by Asher pounding him into the mattress. They both passed out from exhaustion, but throughout the night one of them would wake and reach for the other, and then they’d join together again, kissing, touching, cumming, before falling asleep until the next round.

“Glad to hear it.” Asher nuzzled his neck and nibbled on his ear. “I need to go into work, but I made you a protein shake.”

Daniel raised one eyebrow and looked down toward Asher’s groin. The man laughed. “Get your mind out of the gutter. I’m already dressed.” He gestured toward the doorway. “It’s in the fridge. Promise me you’ll drink that first thing when you get up. I need to get some meat on your bones.”

“Oh, you can bone me with your meat anytime,” Daniel said, all camp. He chuckled for a minute and then he reached up for Asher’s cheek and cupped it. “Seriously, though, thank you.”

Asher turned his mouth into Daniel’s hand and kissed it. “You’re welcome. I’ll see you tonight.”

He snuggled into the blankets and fell back asleep for a few hours. He was up, showered, dressed, and had one hand on the door when he saw the note taped to it. Two words: Protein shake.

With a deep sigh, Daniel shuffled into the kitchen, swung the refrigerator open, and reached for the large glass waiting for him. He wasn’t hungry, but he forced himself to chug it down before washing and drying the glass. Actually, it wasn’t terrible. Chocolate and peanut butter.

He had planned to go back to the coffee shop that day, spend a bit more time on his computer. But as he looked around the apartment, he decided to do some shopping instead. He pulled out his phone and texted Asher while he walked out the door.

Thanks for the drink. Hope you’re having a good day. Miss you.

Before Daniel reached the stairwell, his phone buzzed: Miss you too, sugar. He pulled on his baseball cap, slid his sunglasses on his face, and practically bounced out of the building. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so happy.

ASHER had to go into work on Sunday morning, so Daniel took the opportunity to go for a run. He was walking out of the bedroom after his shower, wearing cut-off sweat shorts and running his fingers through his damp hair, when he saw Asher sitting at the end of the sofa, drinking a beer, and watching what sounded like a football game on the television.

“Hey!” he said happily. “That didn’t take long.”

Asher held his hand out in invitation. “False alarm. Ollie thought we’d lost a shirt he needs to use in a case, but it turned out the new guy working in the evidence room just couldn’t find it. It’s right where it’s supposed to be, though, still sealed in the evidence bag, with the chain of custody intact.”

Daniel straddled Asher’s lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Bet that made Ollie’s day.” He leaned down for a few kisses, nuzzled Asher’s neck, and then scooted onto the couch, lying across it with his head resting on Asher’s lap.

“He’s happy about the case, yeah. Hey, did you hear that they’re postponing the wedding?”

“Again?” Daniel furrowed his brow. “This is the second time, right?”

“Uh-huh,” Asher said with a nod. “They were supposed to get married three weeks after we got back from Vegas, then they pushed it ahead six weeks to next Saturday, but today Ollie said they’re postponing again.”

As he spoke, Asher buried his fingers in Daniel’s hair and massaged his scalp. It felt so damn good that Daniel couldn’t keep his eyes open.

He sighed, covered himself with the throw draped over the back of the couch, and wiggled closer to Asher’s chest. The leather sofa stuck to his skin and he wished, not for the first time, that Asher had chosen suede instead. Once he was settled, he lifted Asher’s shirt and kissed his stomach before pushing his hand between Asher’s thighs.