“Why aren’t you wearing underwear?” Asher asked. He wasn’t punch-a-hole-in-the-wall jealous anymore, but he still wanted to know.

“I ran out,” Daniel explained. “I actually have a load of laundry going now. Does it bother you?”

He moved his palm over Daniel’s belly and then cupped his balls, squeezing gently, rolling them. “It only bothers me if I’m not here to appreciate it and someone else is.”

Daniel dropped his hands and visibly shivered in response to the possessive words. So fucking sexy. The man was heart-stopping lying on the ground, nude from the waist down, arms limp at his sides, legs spread around Asher, just waiting to be touched.

“I’ll make you a deal,” Daniel said. He smiled up at Asher and traced the curve of Asher’s ear with his finger.

“What’s that?”

“Well, I’ll promise not to be naked around other guys if you do the same,” Daniel said. He moved his hand to Asher’s nape and rubbed it, still smiling, his eyes twinkling.

Asher looked at the happy man lying beneath him and realized it would be the easiest promise he’d ever made. “I’m in,” he agreed.

“Well, not yet you’re not, but I’m hoping we’re about to get there.” Daniel’s tone was all camp, and he waggled his eyebrows as he spoke.

This was far and away different from any of Asher’s past fucks. It felt like they were playing, having fun together.

“Count on it, sugar,” he said, moving his fingers from Daniel’s balls over his perineum and then into his crease.

Daniel whimpered and tilted his hips up, giving Asher more room to play. Once again, Asher found himself out of his element. Fucking, he was used to, but this was not the type of foreplay that usually led up to the act. Whipping a guy’s ass? Yeah. Fingering it? No, not so much.

Sometimes he’d plug a sub before he paddled him. Or he’d force him to finger himself while he sucked Asher’s dick. But otherwise, Asher figured if they needed a little something in their hole before he got his dick in there, they’d take care of it before joining him. And if they didn’t? Hell, it just meant a tighter fuck for him.

“Hey, did I lose you?” Daniel asked, snapping Asher out of his mental musings. “’Cause crashing after an orgasm is one thing, but I might get offended if I’m putting you to sleep before you get off.”

Daniel was still smiling brightly, wiggling his ass against Asher’s hand, stroking his neck, and Asher felt oddly light, like there was nothing for him to worry about or do but be with Daniel in that moment.

“You are so fuckin’ cute,” he said. Daniel pouted, scrunching his nose, making his freckles more pronounced. Asher burst out laughing. “Is that little expression intended to get me to change my mind? Because you’re just driving my point home.”

“At this point,” Daniel drawled and arched one eyebrow, “your point is pressing against my belly. I’m pretty sure you can’t drive it home from that angle.”

“Alright, that’s it, sugar!” Asher curled his hands under Daniel’s legs and grasped his ass, pulling the man up as he stood. “You’re asking for it? Well, I’m going to give it to you.” He walked over to the bed and tossed Daniel on it, laughing when he bounced and smiled. Asher crawled over him, curling a hand around each side of Daniel’s waist and giving him a little tickle. Daniel giggled and then slapped his hand over his mouth, like the sound had escaped without his permission. Seriously, the guy was cute as fuck.

In his position, Daniel’s hard cock was bobbing in front of Asher at eye level. It was just a bit darker than the rest of Daniel’s skin, a little ruddy, smooth without many noticeable veins, topped by a perfect mushroom cap. Even the man’s dick was adorable. Asher leaned down and swiped his tongue over that crown, enjoying the taste of Daniel’s precum and no longer cataloging all the ways in which being with Daniel varied from his usual modus operandi.

“You have a pretty dick,” he said, and then he sucked the head into his mouth.

“Mmm, damn, that’s good,” Daniel moaned. “It likes you too.”

Asher popped off Daniel’s cock and wrapped his hand around it, stroking gently. “Excellent. Because something tells me he and I are going to be spending a lot of time together from here on out.”

Daniel laughed and Asher grinned up at him from between his knees.

“I have condoms and lube in the nightstand,” he said.

Daniel twisted to the side, opened the drawer, and found the supplies. “Magnums, oooh. I’m a very lucky boy,” he said.

Usually, Asher would have agreed with a statement like that. But in that moment, he felt like the lucky one. He ripped open a condom packet and suited up. When he was done, Daniel handed him the lube, so he drizzled some onto his palm. He was about to reach for his own dick, to get himself slick and then get himself buried in the tight ass in front of him. But then Daniel’s earlier reaction to fingers playing with his ass popped into Asher’s mind.