“Go ahead, tough guy. Keep it coming,” Chase said. “Thump your chest, glare at me, drink until you throw up in an alley. I have news for you: none of that’s going to impress Daniel. Oh sure, he’s enamored with you now. But I’ve seen your type before. You’ll pay him attention as long as he does things your way, and as soon as he steps out of line or you get annoyed, you’ll toss him out without a second look.” He turned to walk away and then seemed to change his mind, because he glared at Asher again and kept talking. “Oh, and I’m a man. Makeup, giggling, and all. You can ask Daniel if you want confirmation. He’s seen every inch of me naked. I know where he likes to be touched and his favorite positions in bed. I know what makes him moan and what makes him cringe. And I’ll be there when he realizes that you don’t give a damn about any of it.”

With that, he stormed away, shaking his ass and holding his head high.

“Well, then,” Oliver said with a smirk. “I guess we can end that debate forevermore. My brother’s ex-boyfriend is a guy. And you’re an asshole. Well played, my friend, well played.”

“I hate you,” Asher said.

“No, you don’t.” Oliver elbowed his ribs gently.

“Yeah, I do.” Asher sighed. “And I need another drink.”

“No, you really don’t,” Oliver said.

“Yeah, I really do.”

Oliver looked at Asher and seemed to study him.

“Oliver,” Asher sighed and rubbed his big paw over the back of his neck. “I went to a titty bar for the second day in a row, I was just told off by a guy wearing lip gloss for something I haven’t done to a man I just met, and I’m giving serious thought to asking that man to come stay with me after this weekend is over. I’ve lost my fucking mind and I think a goddamn drink is in order here.”

“Bartender,” Oliver yelled as he leaned over the bar. “We’ll have another round.”

DANIEL was a light sleeper, always had been, so he knew the moment Asher returned to the hotel room.

Daniel had left the bar with Chase and walked him to his car to say good night before returning to the hotel room. He figured Asher would already be there, but the room was empty. He was too tired to party anymore, so he took a shower and crawled into bed, falling asleep the minute his head hit the pillow.

The sound of the keycard in the slot and the handle being pushed down woke him. He heard the door swing open and debated about whether he should stay in bed and let himself fall back asleep or get up to help Asher. Based on the amount of alcohol he’d seen the other man consume that night, Daniel was pretty sure Asher would have difficulty standing, let alone taking off his clothes. The shoelaces alone were bound to be trouble.

“Did you have fun tonight?” he asked quietly, opening his eyes and looking around the dark room.

“How’d you know I was here?”

“Well,” Daniel said, chuckling, “it was either you or a grizzly bear trying to keep the noise down while he undressed. I figured you were the more likely choice because grizzlies don’t like to ride in elevators.”

“They don’t?” Asher turned toward the bed and rubbed his eyes. Daniel guessed he was still adjusting to the low light. “Are you fucking with me?”

With a laugh, Daniel sat up and knelt on the bed. “Come here,” he said to Asher. “I’ll help you.”

Asher walked over to him and Daniel slid his jacket off and tossed it onto the armchair in the corner. He worked on Asher’s shirt next, carefully pushing each button through its slot and then tugging the shirt out of Asher’s jeans. Once he had the entire garment open, he pressed his hands onto Asher’s chest and enjoyed the feeling of hot skin, hard muscle, and silky hair.

“Mmm,” Asher moaned. “Feels good.”

Daniel bent forward and kissed Asher’s nipple as he unfastened the buttons at Asher’s wrists and pulled his shirt completely off. That kiss lead to a lick, then a nibble, and then Asher twined his hands in Daniel’s hair, holding him in place while he suckled at the man’s nipple and unzipped his pants. He slipped his thumbs into Asher’s waistband and paused. He could either remove Asher’s jeans and leave him with his briefs, or he could push both the jeans and the underwear to Asher’s feet.

“Naked,” Asher said. When Daniel didn’t move, he tugged Daniel’s hair back, forcing him to look up at Asher’s face. “I want to be naked.”

Rough, demanding—even drunk, the man was sexy as hell. There was something about Asher’s conviction, his decisiveness about what Daniel should do, that made Daniel feel incredibly free.