He fell back, resting his ass on his heels, and snapped his head toward the door. “Who’s that?” he asked.

Asher took in a deep breath and sighed. “Your brother.”

“Oliver? But I thought we were going to meet him at the restaurant.” Daniel stood up and adjusted himself, hoping his arousal wasn’t too evident.

“We were, but I’m guessing he wasn’t thrilled about us being late or about us being alone together.”

“Yeah.” Daniel laughed. “He wasn’t your biggest fan last night, was he?”

Asher grimaced at the understatement. Daniel patted his shoulder.

“I’ll deal with Oliver while you get dressed, okay? I’m sure I can get him to tone down the protective-brother shtick.”

Daniel shook his head and chuckled as he turned to walk toward the door. Asher stopped him with a hand on his waist.

“Daniel?” Asher said. Daniel looked back over his shoulder. “I was having a good time,” Asher continued, his voice quiet and his tone even, but Daniel could hear the question in it.

“I was too,” he responded, assuring the other man and himself at the same time. “I’m, uh, sorry we got interrupted.”

It seemed as if Asher was going to say something else, but then the banging on the door got louder and they separated, Daniel heading toward the door to deal with Oliver and Asher walking to the dresser.

Daniel opened the door just enough to slip outside and then closed it behind him.

“Morning, Oliver,” he said and smiled brightly at his scowling brother. “Come on now, let’s turn that frown upside down.” He poked Oliver’s waist and belly playfully. “It’s your bachelor-party weekend; you’re supposed to be happy!”

Oliver pushed Daniel’s hands away and glared at the closed door. “Where’s Asher?” he grumbled.

“Getting dressed,” Daniel answered.

“Why isn’t he dressed?”

“Because he took a shower and that tends to be a clothes-free activity.”

“And why did he need a shower?” Oliver demanded.

Daniel rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on, Ollie. Cut it out. Your friend and I are interested in each other. Is that what you want to hear?”

“No! That’s exactly what I don’t want to hear.” Oliver’s voice was getting louder.

“I thought he was supposed to be your friend. That should mean that you like him, right? So why’re you being so weird about this?”

“Because you’re my brother and Asher’s dangerous.” Oliver crossed his arms over his chest.

“Dangerous?” Daniel scoffed. “What’s he do, Ollie? Step on cracks? Walk under ladders? Open umbrellas indoors?” Daniel fake-shuddered. “Sounds scary.”

“I know what I’m talking about, Danny. Asher, well, he’s into some weird shit. He, um, you know, uh….”

It was ridiculous to see a man in his forties stumbling for words, so Daniel put a stop to it. “Are you talking about sex?” Daniel asked. Oliver actually blushed in response to the question, and Daniel’s anger dissipated. It was sweet, really, the whole brotherly concern bit. “Look, Ollie, I realize we don’t spend as much time together as we should, but you’ve got to know I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”

Oliver shook his head. “The things Asher’s into… you don’t understand.”

“I understand enough to know that I’m attracted to him and the feeling’s mutual. Anything else I need to know, I’d like to hear from Asher himself. Look,” Daniel said, sighing, “I appreciate your concern, but I have no interest in talking to my brother about my sex life. I’m not a kid and you’re going to need to trust that I know how to handle myself.”

“I do trust you.”

“Good. Then will you please back off of Asher?”

Oliver snorted. “I wasn’t doing anything to Asher.”

“Oh, please!” Daniel laughed. “The way you rode his ass last night, you could’ve at least bought him dinner first, you know?”

“Jesus, Danny!” Oliver coughed and his eyes bugged out. “That’s disgusting. I don’t need an image in my head of Asher doing… that.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Daniel nodded solemnly. “I like it the other way around too. There’s nothing more disappointing than thinking you’ve found yourself a good, hard top only to learn that he’s actually a—”

“Not what I meant!” Oliver was bright red now. He waved his arms in front of Daniel’s face frantically. “So not what I meant.”

“No?” Daniel raised one eyebrow. “Whatever.” He shrugged. “Just as long as we’re done talking about sex now. What Asher is into, or what I want going into me, or—”

Oliver thrust out his hand in a “stop” motion. “We’re done. Totally done.”

“Excellent.” Daniel looped his arm with his brother’s. “I knew I could get you to see things my way.”

“HOLY hard-on, Batman.”

“What?” Daniel asked his dancer friend Chase.

“Seriously hot bear at three o’clock checking you out.”

Daniel glanced away from the slot machine he was playing and followed his friend’s gaze. He beamed.

“That’s Ash Penaz.”

“And who, pray tell, is Ash Penaz?”

“He’s the guy I’m staying with,” Daniel answered Chase while keeping his eyes locked on Asher. He pressed the button on the slot machine absently, not bothering to look at whether he got good numbers.