No job. No home. That meant Daniel was completely portable. He could follow Asher to San Francisco. The thought hadn’t even had time to fully settle before Asher gasped in shock. Was he actually considering asking a man he’d just met to move for him?

Maybe they pumped something into the air in Vegas. After all, there were wedding chapels in all the hotels and along the Strip. Something had to be done to keep them busy. Yeah, that was it. The hotels were using some sort of chemical substance to turn guests into lovesick fools.

Clinging to that nonlogic, Asher stepped out of the shower and started getting ready for day two of the never-ending bachelor party.

Chapter 6

DANIEL tugged his T-shirt down and stepped into his flip-flops.

“Ready when you are,” he called out over his shoulder to Asher, who was still in the bathroom.

Asher walked out of the bathroom, a towel tied around his hips, and Daniel almost lost his breath. It was as if a compilation of everything he found attractive had been put together in one person.

Asher was so tall that Daniel had to tilt his head back to meet his eyes and he was broad enough to surround Daniel’s frame completely if he were to wrap his beefy arms around him. There was strength in every motion of that thick, muscular body and there was a roughness to Asher—the shaved head, the piercing black eyes, the deep-bronze skin, the whiskey voice. Daniel felt as if Asher could engulf him completely, body and spirit, which should have been frightening, but instead gave him a sense of safety in the other man’s presence.

“Aren’t you going to dry your hair?” Asher asked.

“My hair?” Daniel asked, feeling distracted by all the exposed skin covered by dark, silky hair. He clenched and unclenched his fists, fighting the urge to run his fingers along Asher’s chest.

Asher walked over and his eyes gleamed when Daniel looked up at him. He stroked the back of Daniel’s neck, his touch undeniably tender, and Daniel trembled.

“Your hair is dripping wet. It’s drizzling down your back and soaking your shirt.” Asher smiled. “Here, I’ll take care of it.”

He covered Daniel’s head with a towel and gently rubbed it over his golden hair. Daniel bent his neck down to give the man more access and then realized where Asher had gotten the towel. He was now standing next to a completely naked Asher Penaz, looking right at his dick and balls. Even flaccid, the man’s cock was impressive—thick, long. And beneath it—

“I’m not going to be able to keep my hands off you if you tempt me like this, sugar.”

Daniel blinked up at Asher, not sure what the other man meant. Asher dropped the towel to the floor and ran his fingertips from Daniel’s shoulder down his bicep, over his elbow, and across his forearm until he reached Daniel’s hand, which was cupping Asher’s huge, lightly furred balls.

“Sorry. I… I didn’t realize I’d… I didn’t mean to….”

Daniel stammered and blushed, but he couldn’t seem to move his hand. Asher’s body temperature felt higher than his, at least in that part of his body.

“Lick them,” Asher said roughly.

Asher moved his hand to Daniel’s shoulder, pressing downward. Damn, but did Daniel ever appreciate a domineering man. He let Asher guide him to his knees and leaned forward, nuzzling Asher’s groin. He shuddered from the musky sent and groaned when Asher twined his fingers through his hair and tightened his grip, holding him firmly in place.

“Lick them,” Asher repeated, and Daniel complied, darting his tongue out and swiping it over Asher’s sac. The big man relaxed his hold on Daniel’s hair, and with the increased freedom, Daniel moved his mouth from side to side, lapping at Asher’s testicles and inhaling his scent.

With his free hand, Asher held his balls and guided them to Daniel’s mouth. He rubbed himself over Daniel’s lips and pressed against Daniel’s jaw with his thumb.

“Open, Daniel.” He pressed harder. “Suck them.”

It was an order, not a request, which just made it hotter. Daniel trembled and moaned. There was no way for him to resist. He didn’t want to resist. Instead, he opened his mouth and took Asher’s left testicle in.

“Yeah, that’s it, boy. Suck my nuts. Suck them.”

Being on his knees, Asher’s words—the entire scene was seedy, and for a moment, Daniel hesitated. But then he looked up at Asher and met his gaze. While his words were rough, Asher’s expression was awestruck and full of desire. And, most important to Daniel, there was nothing belittling in the way Asher looked at him; instead, the man’s gaze was adoring.

As if sensing Daniel’s concern, Asher released the hold he had on Daniel’s hair completely and gently stroked his head instead. “That’s good, sugar. You’re doing so well.”

Daniel relaxed and moaned, enjoying the taste and feel of this man who could be rough and gentle at the same time. Daniel was about to push his pants down so he could stroke himself while he mouthed Asher, but a banging on the hotel door startled him.