“Ash, please.” Daniel’s face was flushed, his pupils huge, and his bottom lip red and swollen from his constant chewing.
“Please what? Please touch me? Please keep going?” He was practically whispering now, his words ghosting over Daniel’s face.
“You promised.” Daniel’s gaze met his. “Please.”
Well, damn. It was hard to turn down a plea from Daniel, hard to say no to those soulful eyes. But then again, Asher was hard. Really hard.
“Here’s a question,” he said slowly. “Do you beat off when you’re not in a relationship?”
“Huh?” Daniel furrowed his brow.
“You said you don’t have sex outside of a relationship. But does that mean you don’t get yourself off either?” Of course Asher already knew the answer to his absurd question, but he wanted Daniel to acknowledge it.
“No,” Daniel said. “I mean, yes, I beat off, but what does that—”
“Go ahead,” Asher said so quietly his voice was barely audible over the sound of the water. “You take care of you. I’ll take care of me. No rules being broken that way, right?”
Daniel’s lips were parted, his eyes wide. Asher wanted to kiss the man, but he didn’t. And it wasn’t because of the no-nookie rule. It was because he wasn’t into kissing, despite the repeated desire he’d had the previous day and even that morning to taste Daniel’s mouth. Shoving that feeling down, he reached for the small bottle of conditioner, poured some into his hand, then wrapped his fingers around his cock and started pulling.
“Oh, God,” Daniel whimpered.
Asher licked his lips, spread his legs, and thrust his hips forward, putting on a show. This was fun.
“Feels so good,” he grunted.
And it did feel good. He was incredibly horny and getting the attractive man in his shower hot and bothered was arousing in and of itself. Asher couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed the feel of his own hand quite this much. He increased his pace, adding a slight squeeze when he reached his glans, pushing down hard to his root, and then pulling back up again.
“I’m close, sugar. So fuckin’ close.” His stare was so hot, he felt like he was burning into Daniel, whose face was bright red. “Don’t you want to join me? Come on,” he encouraged. “Touch yourself.”
He rocked his hips, helping propel his cock through his fist faster. He tightened his grip, threw his head back, and shouted as he pulsed ribbon after ribbon of cum onto Daniel’s belly and chest.
Up until that point, the other man had remained stock-still. He had stared at Asher’s body and his face, his gaze wandering between the two without taking his eyes away for even a second. But he hadn’t made a move to find his own pleasure. The feeling of Asher’s release against his skin seemed to break Daniel’s resolve. He blinked for what seemed like the first time since Asher had started this little game, shoved his hand down his body, desperately reached for his dick, circled his fingers around it, and barely got one stroke in before he was crying out Asher’s name and shaking as he came.
“Uh, uh, uh,” Daniel grunted as his body shuddered with the force of his release.
Stunning. The man was positively stunning.
When he’d wrung himself dry, Daniel leaned back against the shower wall and stared at Asher. “You are temptation incarnate,” Daniel accused, but the way he raised one corner of his mouth let Asher know the statement wasn’t meant as a complaint.
“I must not be tempting enough,” Asher teased back. “I can’t get you to abandon the ‘no sex without a relationship’ rule.”
Daniel ran a finger through a smear of Asher’s release that had painted his hip and then sucked his finger into his mouth. “I have news for you, Ash. What we just did? That was sex under any definition, except maybe the presidential ones.”
Maybe so. And Asher also had a niggling feeling that what he and Daniel had going between them was a relationship under any definition, including presidential ones. So that meant Daniel’s rule hadn’t been broken. Of course, Asher wasn’t sure if his relationship-meter was reliable. He wasn’t in the habit of having relationships. And even if it was reliable, what did it matter? After this weekend, they’d likely never see each other again. He’d be going home to San Francisco and Daniel would go back to….
“Hey, Daniel?” Asher asked.
Daniel looked at him and smiled, his eyes twinkling. He rubbed his fingertips along Asher’s wrist. “Yeah?”
“Where do you live?”
“Yeah.” Asher smiled at the perplexed look on Daniel’s face. He wasn’t sure what was confusing about his question, but he liked how Daniel scrunched his nose and furrowed his brow. “Live. As in, where do you call home?”
“Oh, uh, well, I grew up in New York, but I moved away when I was eighteen, so that’s not really home anymore. And I’ve lived in a bunch of places since then, but never for very long, so, uh, I guess they’re not home either. And right now I’m sort of between cities, trying to decide what I want to do next and where I want to live, so, uh….”