Asher furrowed his brow. He was nude in a hotel room bed with another man, but he couldn’t remember having sex with him. The level of wrong there bordered on criminal, and he needed to rectify it before Internal Affairs started an investigation. Speaking of investigating internal affairs… Asher ignored the throbbing in his temples and concentrated on the previous night. The only memory he had was of Daniel’s awed expression when he stripped off Asher’s clothes and stared at his cock.

Mmm, Asher had enjoyed seeing lust in Daniel’s eyes and knowing he was the cause. He knew that he had a great dick. Many men had commented on it and Asher could see it for himself, obviously. Still, there was something particularly pleasing about seeing Daniel’s appreciation of his body.

“Morning,” Daniel mumbled and scooted closer. He tightened his grip around Asher’s chest, swung his left leg over Asher’s and rested it between his knees, and nuzzled Asher’s throat. “Did you sleep okay?”

He smiled at the other man, reached up to stroke his hair, and suddenly realized what he was doing. Asher’s smile was replaced by a scowl in the blink of any eye. He wasn’t accustomed to sharing a bed with anyone, wasn’t comfortable with the level of familiarity Daniel was exhibiting even though they’d just met, and just plain didn’t like feeling as if he wasn’t in control of the situation. In this case, the situation seemed to be his own thoughts and feelings, which had been out of whack since the moment he’d seen Daniel in the hotel lobby the prior day.

Just as he was about to push Daniel off him and scurry out of the bed, he heard the man make a contented little sound and felt him somehow burrow even more tightly against his chest and side. Though he’d never admit it, Asher enjoyed the idea that Daniel wanted to be close to him. Without his permission, his scowl morphed back into a tender smile.

“I can’t remember the last time I slept so soundly,” Daniel said.

Asher realized the same was true for him—he didn’t know when he’d last slept so peacefully. It was odd, because he usually hated having anybody touch him when he was sleeping. He also didn’t appreciate sharing covers, feeling the mattress move when somebody else tried to get comfortable, or hearing the toilet flush in the middle of the night.

Okay, fine, so there wasn’t a whole lot of question as to why he was still single. He’d told Oliver he just hadn’t found the right guy, but the truth was, Asher hadn’t been looking for Mr. Right. He wasn’t interested in making compromises or having conversations or limiting his sex life to one man or anything else having a boyfriend would entail.

What he was interested in was getting into Daniel. He wondered whether he’d fucked the other man or been sucked off the night before. Well, there was one way to find out. Two, really, but asking seemed rude, so Asher was going with door number two. He reached for Daniel’s ass, planning to caress it as a ruse to feel for any residual lube, but then he encountered fabric.

He bent his neck and looked underneath the blanket. Why was Daniel dressed?

“Why are you dressed?” he asked, not one to shy away from speaking his mind.

“Hmm?” Daniel responded sleepily, making Asher feel a bit sheepish about waking him up. “’M not dressed. Just in my boxers.”

Yeah, boxers and a T-shirt—two things that fell under the category of clothing. But Asher wasn’t interested in arguing over semantics.

“Okay, why aren’t you naked?”

There. No room for confusion with that question. He’d made himself clear.

Daniel pushed himself up and got onto his knees. Sure enough, the man was wearing his T-shirt from the night before along with white boxers covered in brightly colored polka dots. There was nothing sexy about that ensemble. In fact, the choice in underwear was bordering on ridiculous. And yet, Asher’s heart rate increased and his cock filled. It shouldn’t have been arousing, true enough, but even with bedhead, bleary eyes, a baggy T-shirt, and those stupid boxers Daniel somehow managed to turn his crank.

“I, uh, always sleep in my underwear and a T-shirt, and uh….” Daniel chewed on his bottom lip. “I thought it’d make it easier for us to not, uh, you know,” he finished in a whisper.

Hangovers and optimal mental function weren’t exactly bedfellows, so Asher had some trouble following Daniel’s awkward rambling.

“Oh, God,” Daniel whimpered.

Asher darted his eyes to Daniel’s face and saw the direction of his gaze. The man was completely focused on Asher’s dick, which was rigid and pointing toward his chest. Apparently, seeing Daniel flustered had ramped up Asher’s arousal. Whatever. It wasn’t worth thinking about at the moment. Not when he was hard enough to pound nails.