Asher was tall, broad, and thick everywhere. The hair that had so intrigued him on Asher’s chest trailed down his belly and surrounded a heavy cock and full balls. His legs were muscular tree trunks. His biceps were the size of Daniel’s thighs. And his cock…. Daniel shuddered just thinking about that heat pushing into his body, splitting him open. He whimpered with need. It had been so long since he’d been with a man and he didn’t think any of his previous boyfriends had been built like this.

Asher cupped his chin with long fingers and raised it, closing his mouth and saving him from drooling.

“Like what you see?” Asher asked him, that deep voice sounding scratchy and sexy as hell. “’Cause, you know, the angle of the dangle is in direct proportion to the booty of the cutie.”

Asher waggled his eyebrows and gave him a goofy grin with that last comment and Daniel felt his stomach flip over. He had been prepared for demanding and horny, not adorable and corny. The latter was much harder to resist. So much so, that if Asher had been anywhere near the cross streets of with-it and sober, Daniel would have thrown his relationship requirement out the window and begged the man to bend him over the edge of the bed and pound him into the mattress.

He dropped to a squat and looked up at Asher from underneath his lashes. “Sit down, please,” he murmured quietly. “I’ll get your shoes and socks off.”

Asher flopped gracelessly onto the bed, lying back with his forearm over his eyes. Although horny had been holding the lead up to that point, Daniel could see from Asher’s relaxed form and slow breathing that tired and drunk were catching up. As soon as he removed Asher’s shoes and clothes, he stood up and pulled the side of the comforter down.

“Ash, why don’t you scoot up here and lie on your belly. I’m going to get some lotion and I’ll give you a backrub.”

Asher moved that strong arm off his face and peered at Daniel with cloudy eyes.

“I don’t take orders,” Asher growled.

It was hard for Daniel not to smile at that comment, but he managed it. The man was trashed, exhausted, well and truly out of it. But that wasn’t stopping him from trying to exert some sort of dominance.

Asher didn’t need to worry about Daniel fighting for control. He had no interest in it. At least not on the surface. But that didn’t mean he didn’t know how to get his way.

“I know,” he said and dropped his gaze to the floor. “I just thought you’d be more comfortable without your legs hanging off the edge of the bed. I’ll go get the lotion.”

By the time Daniel returned from the bathroom, Asher was lying on his stomach with his head on the pillows and his tall body stretched across the bed. Daniel pulled his sweatshirt off, and pushed his loose jeans down to his ankles without unbuckling them. Then he stepped out of his jeans and flip-flops and crawled up the bed wearing his boxers and T-shirt.

He straddled Asher’s ass and poured lotion onto his skin, eliciting a deep moan. Asher’s eyes were closed, his expression relaxed and easy. Daniel put his hands on Asher’s wide back, letting the lotion ease his glide as he added pressure with the base of his hands and his thumbs.

“Feels good,” Asher sighed, his breathing slowing even further, all the tension gone from his face. “You have amazing hands.”

“So I’ve been told,” Daniel said with a smile.

“Mmmm, seriously.” Asher sighed deeply. “Where’d you learn to do that? ’S incredible.”

“New Mexico.”

“Huh?” Asher asked, apparently no longer able to articulate words.

“I once worked as a masseur at a spa in Santa Fe.”

Asher gave a halfhearted grunt in response. It wouldn’t take long to soothe the big man into sleep. And then Daniel would curl himself up against the hottest person he’d ever had the pleasure of meeting and join him in dreamland. So far, his brother’s bachelor-party weekend was turning out much better than Daniel had anticipated.

Chapter 5

THE first thing Asher noticed when consciousness seeped in was that he felt sore all over, and not in a “hard workout at the gym” kind of way. The sharp pain behind his eyelids and foul taste in his mouth confirmed the cause of his aches—hangover. He groaned, feeling way too old to be recovering from a bender. What had gotten into him?

That’s when the memories started landing—Oliver’s bachelor-party weekend, an event seemingly sponsored by the liquor companies because surely it had been engineered to lead him into alcoholism. He shifted and tried to piece together the previous day. Just then, he heard a quiet whimper and a slender arm flung itself across his chest.

He opened his eyes and looked at the man sharing his bed. Oh, damn. Daniel Tover. Asher immediately felt heat pool in his groin. The details of the night before came back to him. He remembered meeting Oliver’s brother, remembered enjoying his company despite the annoying dinner with Oliver and his buddies, remembered going back to the hotel room and….