“I need you,” Ricky said, his voice barely louder than a whisper. When Morgan didn’t speak, the smaller shifter came a step closer, keeping his eyes downcast. “We’re mates.” Another step. “Doesn’t that mean you need me too?”

For as long as he could remember, Morgan had dreamed of finding his mate. When he was forced into the role of Golden Valley Alpha, he had told himself that if he worked hard enough and did right by his pack, he would one day have the family he craved. But beneath the internal pep talk lived a truth he couldn’t ignore—he wasn’t the Alpha who should be leading Golden Valley, and he couldn’t fulfill his duties as well as his father had or his brother would have, so he wouldn’t be blessed with a mate. Now he stood mere inches from a shifter who smelled and sounded and felt like mate. But Ricky came to Golden Valley with another Alpha and he was a male Omega, two things that could cause discord in his pack. Even if the fates felt him worthy of a mate, would they truly deem this one a good fit for the Golden Valley pack?

“How do you know?” Morgan asked, the alcohol making him speak words that showed a lack of knowledge and confidence, both unacceptable traits in an Alpha.

The Omega snapped his gaze up, his crinkled forehead and squinting eyes indicating that Morgan’s question had taken him off guard. “It’s unmistakable.” He tilted his head to the side. “Don’t you sense it?” He drew in a deep breath and trembled. “And scent it?”

Head nodding, because his body absolutely agreed with the beautiful Omega, Morgan nevertheless said, “This isn’t a good idea,” because even the whiskey couldn’t drown out the very serious problems with his mating a male Omega, let alone the Omega of a neighboring pack’s Alpha. He was responsible for people’s lives; thinking of his own desires was something he had given up the moment he became pack Alpha. Golden Valley and Purple Sky could both suffer if he didn’t tread carefully and thoughtfully, which was near impossible when he was exhausted, drunk, and, miraculously given those two conditions, more erect than was comfortable.

“I don’t understand.” Ricky stepped forward until his torso connected with Morgan’s. Even through the cotton of Ricky’s shirt, his body heat warmed Morgan’s dick. Morgan immediately hated that shirt.

“Please don’t ignore me again.” Ricky pressed his face into Morgan’s chest and inhaled.

The rational move would have been to put distance between himself and the Purple Sky Omega rather than rub his scent all over him, but Morgan wasn’t capable of ignoring the overwhelming instinct that told him to stay as close as possible to the man who sounded and smelled and felt like mate.

“You’re my Alpha,” Ricky whispered, body shaking. “I need you.”

For years, being the pack Alpha had been an obligation that stripped Morgan of his personal dreams and desires. But hearing the word on Ricky’s tongue, reached into a part of him the pack didn’t touch. An Alpha could protect an Omega and provide for his Omega’s needs. Grateful for his nature for the first time in his adult life, Morgan wrapped his arms around the smaller man and caressed his back through his shirt. “Shhh. I have you.”

Ricky pushed into Morgan’s embrace and clung to him. Keeping one hand pressed firmly to Ricky’s lower back, Morgan smoothed the other over his nape. As the tension melted from the Omega’s shoulders, the jasmine notes in his scent deepened. Dipping his face, Morgan buried his nose in Ricky’s hair. This was right. He was satisfying his mate.

“You feel so good,” Ricky rasped. “Smell good too.” Without loosening his hold on Morgan, Ricky thrust his hips forward and dragged his erection against Morgan’s thigh. “Mmm.”

A sharp pang of arousal stabbed through Morgan’s gut. “You do too.” He dragged his lips around the perimeter of Ricky’s ear and down his nape. “But we need to slow this down.” Pulling his hips away from Ricky was more difficult than any of the many challenges he had endured since stepping in as pack Alpha, but he forced himself to do it.

“No,” Ricky cried out, leaping forward. “I need you!”

Unable to push away his now frantic Omega, Morgan drew him close and rubbed his lower back. “I’ll give you what you need, but another Alpha brought you to Golden Valley. If he finds us like this, it’ll end in bloodshed.” He needed to speak with the Purple Sky Alpha and explain the situation in a way that would preserve his ego and, hopefully, prevent a fight.

“Alpha Berger’s gone.” Wide, scared eyes pleaded with him. “I can’t think or breathe or…” The Omega’s lungs heaved and his knees buckled. “Alpha, I need you.”

Whatever resistance Morgan had evaporated. “I’ve got you.” He cupped Ricky’s backside and lifted him into his arms. Immediately, the Omega wrapped his legs around Morgan’s hips and buried his face in Morgan’s neck. “I’m sorry I scared you. It’s okay now,” Morgan said as he strode to the sofa and sat down.