Page 41 of Red River (Pack 2)

“It’s a lot to take in,” Jobe said, nodding his head in understanding. “And everyone says the surge in hormones does a number on you.”

Wesley wanted to ask Jobe what he thought he knew. Wanted to ask, but didn’t actually ask because he wasn’t sure he could handle hearing the answer.

“I didn’t expect it to happen right away and I’m sure you didn’t either.” Jobe slid his hand to Wesley’s waist and moved it up and down his flank. “And maybe I shouldn’t say this when you were the one hunched over the toilet this morning, but—” Jobe took a deep breath and smiled broadly. “I’m so happy right now.”

Wesley’s own emotions were too mixed up to decipher, and if he wanted to have any hope of straightening them out, he had to face whatever was going on in his body.

“I never told you about my conversation with Ricky,” he said hesitantly.

“That’s right.” Jobe’s eyes twinkled. “We got sidetracked.”

They had and it had been amazing. Part of Wesley wanted to forget about uncomfortable conversations and pounce on his mate, but this was too important to ignore, so he forced himself to stay on task.

“Ricky said he’s leaving Purple Sky because Brian isn’t his mate, and if he stays there, they’ll do something they’ll both eventually regret.”

“What does that mean?”

“I asked him the same thing and he started going on and on about how he feels bad for leaving Brian, but he can’t risk getting pregnant by someone who isn’t his mate.” Wesley paused to let his statement sink in and then repeated it. “He can’t risk getting pregnant.” Ricky had also asked Wesley if he was pregnant yet, but he couldn’t recount that part of the story for fear that speaking the words would make them possible.

“You didn’t tell me Ricky was a Psi too.” Jobe twisted his lips to the side and chewed on the lower one. “I’m pretty sure Brian can’t get him pregnant if they’re not mates, but honestly, why does it matter? Neither of them should be messing with this.” He shook his head. “Stumbling across an Omega probably got Brian’s hopes up and with the guy being a Psi on top of it…” Jobe let out a deep breath. “I understand why Brian is disappointed that Ricky isn’t his mate, but that’s no excuse. I’ll call him later.” Jobe threaded his fingers through the back of Wesley’s hair and massaged the base of his skull. “That’s okay with you, right?”

“Uh-huh,” Wesley said distractedly. “Jobe?”


Wesley looked into Jobe’s eyes and saw devotion, intelligence, and strength. With this man by his side, he could handle anything. Even the impossible. “What’s a Psi?”

Chapter 10

“Are you serious?” Jobe said, his tone harsher than it should have been considering his mate’s condition.

Wesley’s expression darkened and Jobe kicked himself for his thoughtlessness.

“That’s not what I meant.” Jobe breathed in deeply, letting the oxygen flow through his body and calm him. “Your question took me off guard. Let me try it again.” He scooted farther onto the mattress, crossed his legs, and considered his next words carefully. “What do you know about Psi wolves?”

“I’ve never heard that word until you said it.”

Without his permission, Jobe’s jaw dropped, but he gathered himself quickly and tried a different approach. “Maybe they use a different name at Purple Sky. What do they call shifters like you and Ricky?”

His expression once again turning stormy, Wesley jumped from the bed and barked, “What do you mean shifters like me and Ricky? I’m an Alpha and Ricky’s an Omega.”

“Right. I know. But you said Ricky can get pregnant too, so he’s a Psi and obviously so are you. Does Purple Sky have a name for those types of shifters?” Jobe looked at Wesley expectantly.

“I don’t know anything about this Psi business but Ricky’s an Omega.” Wesley’s voice shook and he paced across the room. “Everyone knows he’s an Omega.” His arms tensed at his sides and he squeezed his hands into fists. “And I’m an Alpha!”

“Yes, you’re an Alpha.” Jobe had no idea where he had gone wrong, but instead of comforting Wesley, he had upset him. “But you’re also what we call a Psi.” He rose from the bed and slowly approached his trembling mate. “Can I…” He flicked his gaze to Wesley’s stomach and reached his hand out. When Wesley didn’t reject his request, he moved closer and carefully placed his hand on the birthing skin, noting that it was already warmer than the last time he had touched it. “When I say Psi, I mean a shifter like you; a male who’s blessed with the ability to carry young.”

All the color drained from Wesley’s face.

“Wes?” Jobe quickly wrapped his arms around him and braced himself so he’d be ready to hold them both up if needed. “Did you get hit with another dizzy spell?” Keeping one arm around Wesley, he walked them to the bed, pulled back the blanket, and encouraged him to lie down before sitting beside him. “I know you’re probably getting antsy, but I think you should stay in bed today and hopefully by tomorrow the pregnancy hormones will level out and you won’t be so sick.”