Page 34 of Red River (Pack 2)

“We’re not eating in the kitchen?”

Slightly embarrassed about coming across as overly sappy or sentimental, Jobe cleared his throat and said, “The chairs in here are softer.” They were wide and upholstered, as opposed to the hand-hewn wooden chairs in the kitchen, so the statement was a completely accurate description of the seating in the two rooms, but it wasn’t a completely accurate explanation of why Jobe had chosen to eat in the dining room. Uncomfortable about any level of untruth with his mate, he set the tray on the table, propped the tongs on top of it, and turned to face Wesley. “And after last night, I wanted to do something special.”

The sides of Wesley’s mouth turned up and his eyes twinkled. “Last night was special for me too.” He stepped over to Jobe and pulled him into his arms. “I’ve never felt so—” He took in a deep breath and then buried his face against Jobe’s neck. “That smell is all over you.” He groaned and squeezed Jobe tightly. “It’s amazing.”

“You really are hungry.” Jobe chuckled and patted Wesley’s shoulder. “Sit down and dig into the food before you decide to make a meal out of me instead.”

Wesley narrowed his dark eyes and nuzzled the juncture of Jobe’s neck and shoulder. “That’s a very tempting offer.”

Although he knew they were playing around, Jobe’s groin tightened and his breathing quickened. “We’re supposed to be eating and talking,” he said shakily as he clutched Wesley’s shoulders and nudged him away.

“I’d rather take you back to bed.” Wesley’s nostrils flared. “You smell so good. Makes me want to lick you all over.”

For a moment, Jobe thought about taking him up on his offer, but then Wesley’s stomach growled, reminding him that his mate needed sustenance. “Sit.” He pulled a chair out and pointed at it. “Your stomach just told me my life is at risk if I don’t fill it and I’m not willing to take that chance.”

“There’s another part of me I’d rather have you fill.” Wesley’s eyes widened as soon as the words left his mouth, as if he was shocked by his own admission. That seemed to be enough to get him in his chair, even if he fell more than sat.

Although many years had passed, Jobe suspected his mate would still enjoy being filled, so the comment didn’t surprise him. But he remembered the proclamation Wesley had made only a day earlier about being the Alpha and therefore the one who would do the penetrating sexually, so he kept his tone light when he said, “I’m definitely up for that.”

Wesley jerked his gaze away and swallowed hard.

It seemed the time had come to finish the conversation they had started the previous evening. “But no matter what we do in our bed, I’ll be happy as long as you’re the other Alpha in it with me.” Jobe scooped food onto their plates as he spoke.

Wesley didn’t respond right away, but Jobe had no doubt he understood his point so he finished filling their plates, poured them each a glass of water, and dug into his meal, keeping his gaze away from Wesley’s face in order to give him a modicum of space. He was nearly done with his plate when Wesley finally spoke.

“I didn’t know you were an Alpha until last night.”

Jobe dipped his chin in acknowledgement and then raised his glass to his lips, telling Wesley with his actions that he’d remain silent while Wesley said his piece.

“I didn’t fit in at Purple Sky, Jobe.” He let out a frustrated sigh and lowered his gaze. “I was born there and I worked all my life to earn their trust and respect so I could lead them, but they—” He put his palm on his belly. “They didn’t want me as their Alpha. My uncle was too old to lead and the pack was suffering, but they still didn’t want me because…” He moved his hand in circles. “I was about to take over by force because it was the only way to help them, but then my uncle told me he arranged a trade.” Pain filled Wesley’s eyes. “My pack was willing to accept a stranger, sight unseen, instead of having me as their Alpha.” He sighed and then glanced up to meet Jobe’s gaze. “You know the rest. To get Brian to Purple Sky, I had to become the Red River Alpha, which is why we mated. I thought that meant Red River didn’t have an Alpha either.”

When Wesley had begun talking, Jobe was more interested in listening than speaking. As his explanation continued, Jobe held his tongue out of respect for his mate sharing what were clearly painful memories. But by the end of Wesley’s speech, Jobe didn’t say anything because he felt as if he had been punched in the gut.