Page 27 of Red River (Pack 2)

Jobe tried to yank his palm free from Wesley’s grip. “Want to come with you inside me,” he explained when Wesley wouldn’t release him.

“Oh lord.” Wesley closed his teeth over Jobe’s shoulder, not biting, but holding onto him in yet another way.

“Wes.” Jobe humped against the mattress, desperate to give his cock friction.

Suddenly, Wesley let go of Jobe’s hands, wrapped one arm around Jobe’s chest, and pulled him up until their torsos were off the mattress. With his knees and one hand planted on the bed to support him, Wesley took hold of Jobe’s dick. Wasting no time, he fisted Jobe’s shaft at the same punishing pace as he pummeled his hole.

“Uh, uh, uh,” Jobe grunted, his ability to think, let alone speak, vanquished by Wesley’s complete possession of every part of him.

“Please.” Voice shaky and muscles tight, Wesley rammed his cock into Jobe as he stroked his cock. “Need you to come.” He dug his teeth into Jobe’s nape and groaned, the sound rough and almost pained. “Please.”

Hearing the proof of how badly his mate wanted him, needed him, threw Jobe over the edge. “Wes!” he cried out as the first burst of pleasure shot from him. “Yes!”

Wesley moaned in relief and thrust one final time before holding Jobe against him and releasing his seed inside him. “Jobe,” he said softly.

Dragging air into his overly-exerted lungs, Jobe didn’t move for several seconds. From the sound of Wesley’s heavy breaths, Jobe knew he was in the same position.

“That was…” Wesley pressed his forehead to Jobe’s upper back. “I don’t even have the words for what that was.”

“Uh-huh.” Jobe sucked in another deep breath and then rolled onto his back and pulled Wesley down on top of him. He raised his finger and traced Wesley’s prominent nose and sharp cheekbones. His mate was just as handsome as the first time Jobe had seen him, but with age, his face had lost some of its roundness, giving him a more rugged appearance and the beard was a sexy addition. As Jobe ran his fingertip across Wesley’s thick eyebrows, their gazes met and he noticed a tinge of wariness pushing aside the hazy afterglow. “Hi.” He combed his fingers through Wesley’s black curls. “Doing okay?”

After staring at him for several long moments, Wesley said, “I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you. Not even…” He darted his gaze away and swallowed hard, as if he was saying something shameful. “Not even leading a pack.”

“That’s how it’s supposed to be between mates,” Jobe said, confused by Wesley’s reaction.

Shaking his head, Wesley said, “An Alpha’s focus is on the pack. It’s how we’re made.” He reached for the blanket, slid off Jobe, and lay on his back with the blanket pulled up to chest height. “I realize that’s not easy for someone who isn’t an Alpha to understand.”

The conversation reminded Jobe of what Wesley had said before they’d gone into the bedroom. “Earlier, you said you’re the Alpha, as if you’re the only one.” He rolled onto his side, planted his elbow on the bed, and propped his head up on his hand. “I’ve been so focused on introducing you to everyone and showing you our pack lands that I didn’t think to ask what you know about Red River’s Alphas.”

“I know your parents are both Alphas.” Wesley furrowed his brow. “Is that what you mean?”

“Partially.” Jobe nodded. “My parents are both Alphas and their parents were both Alphas and their parents were both Alphas.” Jobe stopped talking, took a breath, and arched his eyebrows. “Do you see the pattern?”

Wesley blinked, crinkled his forehead, and said, “When my uncle told me about the trade, he mentioned the Red River tradition to have someone from your family line as the pack Alpha.” He rolled his head on his shoulders and fidgeted. “That’s why I’m here, right? Red River’s leadership had to stay in the Root family and the Alpha born here wasn’t willing to…” Wesley winced and stopped talking.

Dumbfounded by Wesley’s comment, Jobe lost his train of thought. “The Alpha born here?”

“Brian Berger,” Wesley said, as if the answer was obvious.

“What about him?”

“He could have mated you and then Red River would’ve had an Alpha who was part of your family, but he didn’t want to so we traded spots.”

“He could have…” Jobe shook his head, hoping to clear his mind, but he came up short. “What Brian did or didn’t want is irrelevant because, obviously, I’m not his mate. But he’ll be fine. His mate is out there somewhere, and with time, they’ll find each other.”

“Or not.” Wesley paused and then sighed. “Red River does things differently, Jobe.” He said each word slowly and softly, as if he was worried Jobe would be offended by his observation.

“Different in what…” Jobe’s own words reminded him of why he had begun the conversation in the first place. “I keep getting off track.” He breathed in deeply, placed his hand on Wesley’s shoulder, and moved it up and down his upper arm. “Yes, Red River does some things differently from other packs and one of those differences is our Alphas.”