Page 24 of Red River (Pack 2)

“A mate is a person not an action. We’re mates.”

“Tell that to your mother. Or did you think I couldn’t hear her asking you why we hadn’t consummated our mating?”

“That isn’t what she meant.” Jobe stood up and glared at him.

Wesley scoffed. “Fine. Have it your way.” He rose to his feet and stepped toward Jobe, bringing them toe to toe. “Why don’t we fuck? Is that a clear enough action for you?”

His eyes meeting Wesley’s and his tone calm and even, Jobe said, “Are you feeling frustrated? Is that what all this anger’s about?” He leaned forward and lowered his voice to a rough whisper. “Are you looking to get fucked, Wesley?”

“I’m the Alpha.” Wesley wrapped his hand around the back of Jobe’s neck and tugged him closer, bringing their torsos together from chest to groin. The contact sent his heart banging against his ribs and his lungs into overdrive. “If anyone’s fucking someone, I’ll be the one fucking you.”

“You’re the…” Jobe’s nostrils flared and he sucked in a long breath. “I seem to have taken some things for granted. I’ll rectify that mistake later. Right now, we have plans that don’t involve talking.” He thrust his hips forward, pushing a sizeable erection against Wesley’s hip. “You want to fuck me? Let’s do it.”

The sudden change in circumstance and the proximity of the sexiest person he had ever seen made Wesley’s head spin and his skin tingle, especially the sensitive scar on his stomach. “This is what you want?” he asked, needing to be certain. They’d both agreed to concessions in their personal lives for the good of the pack, but that didn’t have to mean sacrificing their bodies. Wesley wouldn’t do that to Jobe.

“You’re my mate.” Jobe placed his palm against Wesley’s chest and rubbed his nipple through his shirt.

The motion caused the cotton to rub against Wesley’s belly and he nearly gasped at how good that felt. “That isn’t an answer.” He grabbed Jobe’s wrist, stilled his movements, and growled, “Do you want me to fuck you?” Because no matter how much Wesley wanted that, no matter how heavy his balls or distracted his brain, he wouldn’t force Jobe to do the very thing he had dreaded before he had met him.

“I want you.” Jobe raised his face and brushed his lips against Wesley’s, the touch gentle in comparison to the testosterone-laden shouting match from moments earlier. “The position doesn’t matter.”

After being with Jobe nearly nonstop for three weeks straight, Wesley had gotten a good sense of his character. Jobe was an honest man. And if that hadn’t been enough to confirm the truthfulness of his assertion, the hard dick pressing against Wesley’s hip would have done the job. Confident about Jobe’s desire, Wesley had no other reason to wait so he cupped both sides of Jobe’s face, tilted his head back, and slammed their mouths together.

The kiss was electric, obliterating the tight reins Wesley’d had on his libido since he had met Jobe. When Jobe moaned and parted his lips, Wesley thrust his tongue into his mouth, drawing in a rich flavor that was somehow already necessary and familiar.

“Jobe,” Wesley rasped, tangling his fingers in Jobe’s hair to keep him as close as possible. “Why is it I feel like I’ve known you forever?”

Apparently seeking the same closeness, Jobe clutched at Wesley’s shirtfront. “Because you have,” he whispered against Wesley’s mouth before slipping his tongue past his lips again.

The answer didn’t make sense, but then neither did a lot of Jobe’s spiritual talk. Usually Wesley asked him for clarifications, and with every passing day he spent with Jobe, he became more and more aware of an energy in Red River, a force that flowed through him. But none of that mattered when his need for Jobe swirled higher and higher.

He gripped Jobe’s hair, sucked on his tongue, and rocked his groin against him.

“Mmm,” Jobe moaned, shifted his stance, and thrust his erection against Wesley’s hip and lower belly.

“Jobe,” Wesley cried out, his passion rising to a fever pitch so quickly he nearly came in his pants. He forced himself to pull away. “We need to slow this down or it’ll be over before the clothes come off.”

“Then let’s take them off.” Jobe rucked Wesley’s shirt up his chest.

“Not out here,” Wesley insisted breathlessly. They were both running on adrenaline and arousal, but once they sated their lust, the long day would hit them and they’d crash. Wesley wanted to do that in a bed, so he could spend all night with Jobe’s warm body pressed against his. “Bedroom.”

Chapter 6

Good things come to those who wait.

Jobe had told that to himself many times over the years while he’d waited for his mate, but he hadn’t always believed it. Then when Wesley finally arrived in Red River and Jobe had the pleasure of his company, he knew that every moment of loneliness he had endured had been worth the prize of Wesley Stone at the end. But now that he lay on his mattress, a bottle of lube beside him and the scent of juniper leaves and pine surrounding him as nimble fingers tugged at his clothes and soft lips stole his breath, he decided that he’d gotten far more than he deserved.