ut where we are? They ran away from home. It’s the only explanation, because I know for a fact that Jocelyn would’ve never let them come here.”

“Relax. I’m sure they’re fine, hiding behind the trees. Why don’t you go get them, and I’ll go call Josie?”

“Good idea.”

She grabbed his arms and squeezed lightly to get his attention.

“And don’t scold them, okay? Promise me.”

“They deserve it.”

“Not tonight. They just wanted to bring us our Christmas presents.”

“Not an excuse to run away from home.”

“They wanted to spend Christmas with us. They’re children, Max. I bet they regretted ever writing that permission slip the second they gave it to us.”

He sighed. “I’ll do my best not to flip.”

“Thank you.”

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then went back inside the cabin to frantically look for her phone. She was worried, too, but she kept it to herself. Max was already angry. There was no point in feeding his exasperation and disappointment.

“Josie, hey! Hope you weren’t sleeping.”


Avelyn’s sister-in-law did sound groggy, and it wasn’t because of too many glasses of wine. Shapeshifters never got drunk. It was obvious she had woken her up.

“Could you do me a favor and go check on the kids?”

“What? Why? I told you two to just relax and have fun. Ryan and I have everything under control.”

“Is that so?” Avelyn chuckled.

“What do you mean?”

Avelyn heard the bed squeak when Jocelyn got out of it, then the door shutting behind her when she went out on the corridor. Normally, her room was in the right wing, but she and Max had asked her to take their own room in the Crescent wing, so she’d be closer to the wolf pups.


Jocelyn first knocked on their door, and when nothing happened, she opened it slowly.


“Yes, shit. That’s a good word for it, Josie. I couldn’t have put it better myself.”

She heard her switch on the light and checking the three beds and the closet. Avelyn rolled her eyes.

“Why would you ever think they might be hiding in the closet?”

“I… I don’t know. Where could they be? Wait.” She paused to think. “How did you know they’re not in their room?”

“Because they’re here, silly.”

“There? At the cabin? At Triberg Falls?”

“Yes! I mean, I hope they’re still somewhere around here. Max went out to look for them. They sneaked in while we were gone, and left a bunch of presents under the tree.”