Matt was in complete, almost ridiculous contrast with the two Deltas, and with Karl himself. Claudia had always thought that in a wolf pack, the Beta was the next strongest and most resourceful wolf after the Alpha, and that was why he was chosen to have his back. Matt was nothing like that, or he didn’t look it. His longish red hair was sticking everywhere, looking like a comb hadn’t found its way in it for a long, long time, his light green eyes sparkled with childish mischief, and his cheeks were covered in freckles. Freckles! On a Beta werewolf! Oh, and he certainly wasn’t as big and bulky as the other three men. Although he had a nice body, Matt was more of a fashion magazine model than a tough guy who spent all his time in a gym. All these traits and details looked good on him, and he pulled off the laid-back, carefree attitude perfectly, but Claudia couldn’t help but wonder… why him? Why did dark, broody Karl Blackmane have this cheerful, silly fireball as his Beta instead of Ethan or Terry?

The first course was served and they started eating, not before Matt made a small toast and Claudia dipped her lips in the cold white wine. She was too hungry to drink, and it was always a good idea to have wine only after some food had made its way into her stomach. They were all silent for a while, only their spoons clinking softly when they hit the edge of the bowl from time to time.

The terrace was amazing! Claudia took her time to admire the green roof around them, the small flower beds, and the cityscape. She couldn’t believe what they called “the terrace” was, in fact, more of a garden, an oasis of fresh, green grass, pansies and jasmine way above the noise of the streets. She could sunbath here if she wanted. Or, if the weather ever allowed it. What she loved most was that it was clear the whole roof could be covered if needed, which was amazing given that it rained so often. Later, after the two servant girls brought the second course, Ethan was more than willing to answer her questions and explain how the system worked. On rainy nights, a second roof, round and made of glass, could be activated. It made the terrace look like a giant snow globe.

“Fantastic!” Claudia said and clapped her hands. She turned to Karl. “It’s the first time I see something like this. I mean… I might have seen it movies, but I never thought…” She was too excited to know how to finish her sentence.

Karl smiled and nodded. “I’m glad you like it.”

That was an understatement, but Claudia was satisfied he had said as much. Since they had sat down to eat, Karl had barely spoken a word. He had mostly grunted and nodded.

The teriyaki chicken was insanely good, and for a couple of minutes they all enjoyed it in silence. Even Matt was too busy stuffing his mouth to make jokes. No, he had no qualms about being a bit messy when eating. Claudia liked watching him because he reminded her of a child who enjoyed everything fully and unapologetically. At some point, Karl threw her a suspicious glance, and Claudia cursed herself for staring at Matt like an idiot. The only one who hadn’t noticed was, of course, Matt. She tried to ignore him afterwards, but it was no use. Not when the Beta wanted to tell her about his most incredible achievement, the thing for which all shifters envied and respected him.

“I have accomplished something no man, human or shifter, can say he’s ever done. I mean… no man, human or shifter, of whom I know of. Nevertheless.”

Claudia was listening to him, a large smile on her lips. There was no way she could guess what he would say, but seeing how Karl, Ethan, and Terry had started rolling their eyes and grinning mockingly, she was sure it had to be something silly.

Matt leaned forward and fixed her with his green gaze: “I have shagged women from all the six species known on this planet. Cute human girls, bitchy she-wolves, sassy vixens, curvy she-bears, crazy eagles, even proud, self-important dragon girls. Well… it was just one dragon girl, but I promise you she won’t be the last.”

“Oh, shut up!” said Terry. “You never shagged a dragon.”

“I did!” He waved him off. “Ugh! What do you know? Don’t listen to him, Claudia. My dragon lady had long, blonde hair and endless golden eyes.”

“Endless golden eyes…” laughed Ethan. “That’s it. You’re drunk.”

Claudia laughed with him. “Shifters never get drunk. I believe him.”

Matt clapped and leaned back in his chair, completely satisfied. “See? Finally, someone who knows I’m telling the truth. Someone who understands. Of course she understands what you can’t wrap your tiny minds around. She’s a woman! She feels my charm.” He emphasized the word “feels” and made Claudia laugh harder.

Karl cleared his throat and patted his lips with a napkin, indicating he was done with the second course. He didn’t have to say anything to make Claudia feel slightly uncomfortable. She stopped laughing, took a sip of wine, and finished her chicken. Matt, however, was unfazed. All through dessert, he gave them all the juicy details about his affairs, making sure to mention that, in his experience, female fox-shifters were the best in bed. Female bear-shifters were too cuddly, and humans were too fragile. Oh, and he’d never shag a female eagle again because they tended to be too clingy and expect a phone call the next day. They all laughed at his shenanigans, except Karl. Claudia tried to turn her attention to him every once in a while, but it was difficult when he was so silent and Matt kept stealing the scene. It was as if the Alpha wolf had something on his mind. Better yet: something weighing on his soul.


After dinner, they had one last glass of wine, then Matt, Ethan and Terry bid them “goodnight” and retreated to their homes. Matt lived on the ground floor, and the two Deltas across the street. Claudia was feeling a bit lightheaded, but content. Everything had gone much better than she had expected, and she liked the three Dark Wolves she had met. Now, she could only hope the rest of Karl’s pack would welcome her just as warmly.

“So…” she started. “What now?”

She was standing near the edge of the roof, her glass on the sill, looking at the city lights. Karl was by the door, having exchanged a couple of words with Matt before he left. She knew he had heard her even if she had merely whispered.

Karl shoved his hands deep into his pockets and let his eyes travel up and down her turned back. She looked so small and frail in her pale pink dress. Should they…? Could he…? Maybe it was too early. She had just gotten there.

“I have to call my brother. I promised I’d let him know we got here safe, but I didn’t get the chance. You can go to bed if you’re tired.”

Claudia sighed. It didn’t sound like an innocent suggestion, but more like “Please go to your bedroom and leave me alone.” She turned and smiled at him.

“I do feel tired, actually. It’s been a long day.” She took her glass back to the table and paused for just a moment before leaving the terrace. “I’ll wait for you.”

“Oh, you don’t need to… I might be late…”

But she had already gone past him. Karl took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He fished his phone out of his pocket and made the call, trying not to listen to Claudia’s soft steps down the stairs, then in her bedroom. If he really tried, he could hear the thin dress caressing her dark skin as it hit the floor and pooled around her delicate ankles.

Claudia stripped down to her lace bra and panties, both of an even paler pink, then wondered if she should wait for Karl like that, or find some sort of pajamas. What she had brought with her wasn’t exactly sexy, but she did find a cute tank top that went pretty well with her lingerie. She applied a bit of gloss on her lips, studied herself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction, then proceeded to unpack her things and spread them around the room. She moved quickly and efficiently, not wanting Karl to find her folding clothes, then grabbed her smartphone and sneaked into bed.

Half an hour went by, then an hour. She was getting tired of playing Candy Crush.

“Boy, he wasn’t kidding when he said he might be late,” she whispered to herself. “What’s he talking about with Max? Are they planning to overthrow the Council this very night?”

She sighed and played some more. Another half an hour later she had to put her phone down and accept defeat. Karl wasn’t coming. She glanced around the room and understood why it looked so impersonal. Karl had never slept there, and by the looks of it, he had no intention of changing that tonight. The bedroom had been especially prepared for her.