Delyse’s stomach growled loudly, and she blushed. “Will there be pancakes?”

Viggo threw her a confused glance. “I didn’t know you liked pancakes.”

Delyse turned to him and poked him in the chest with her index finger. “How dare you not know what my favorite dessert is? Chocolate pancakes with…” she didn’t finish her sentence because her eyes fell on the mark around her left wrist, a complicated entanglement of vines which still burned a faded red, indicating it was recent. Very recent. “What the…?”

Viggo took her hand in his and pressed it to his lips. “I hope you don’t mind…”

She raised her right hand too, and admired the two marks adorning her wrists in the lazy afternoon light spilling through the tall window. Now, she bore the marks of two dragons. Two mates. She smiled and looked at Eric, then at Viggo.

“No, I don’t mind that at all.” Then, she took a deep breath and said the words she had screamed over and over last night: “I love you.”

Eric and Viggo knew she was referring to both of them. Eric kissed her shoulder and whispered “I love you”, and Viggo captured her lips in a gentle kiss before he breathed “I love you” against her mouth. The three of them stayed in silence for a while, waiting for the maids to finish cleaning the room and bringing her lunch.

“I still want pancakes,” Delyse concluded.