Page 3 of Lure Academy

“You know, she doesn’t need those glasses,” Hebe began. “She’s only wearing them because they look fancy.”

Sophie shot Hebe a confused look. “It’s kind of obvious, I guess.”

Hebe took that as a hint to continue her babbling. Of all the Alluring Ones, she was the closest to the Academy’s students. Because her main task was to bring in the new cambions, she found it enjoyable to act human when not a drop of human blood ran through her veins. Humans were free. Humans could talk for hours without saying one meaningful thing and, more importantly, not do one useful thing. Hebe thought her so-called brothers and sisters were rather boring, so she let them deal with the important stuff at the Academy. She was there for the students, and she loved her job. The fact that all cambions were unique and developed their powers in their own time kept her busy. Instead of bringing in new students once a year, as it happened in all educational institutions, they had to bring them in only when they were ready.

“Of course, Lilith is the highest ranked in the Pantheon and everyone only whispers her name. But, seriously, she’s always exaggerating. It’s not all about work. There are many ways you can enjoy yourself, too.” She glanced in a playful way at her companion, and even gave her a suggestive wink. “And I repeat: many ways.”

The succubus’ behavior made a sudden wave of warmth rush to Sophie’s cheeks. She had a feeling that one of her most burning questions had just been answered, and to her surprise, she was looking forward to those ways of enjoying herself. Except… but no. She couldn’t think about that. She couldn’t allow her fears and insecurities to take a hold of her now, when she had gotten so far and so many new, incredible experiences were waiting for her. When Lilith had looked her in the eyes, Sophie had felt an unnatural feeling building in her stomach: impatience, enthusiasm, and some sort of inner peace at the thought that, finally, she would belong somewhere, she wouldn’t feel out of place anymore, like a child abandoned among strangers.

They had already climbed the stairs to the second floor of the building that was exclusively destined to the students’ dorms. The first thing she noticed was that the heaters were probably functioning at full blast. Way more comfortable than the cold air outside. They stopped in front of a heavy wooden door, and Sophie thought this was one extraordinary thing about the Academy: all spaces were wide, and all ceilings were tall and gave a sense of freedom.

“This is your room. You’ll share it with Lamia. She’s your age but she’s already been here for quite a while. She’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

Sophie took the key from Hebe, and the white-haired girl made to leave.

“Got to go now! Don’t forget: the hetaerae will be here in two hours to help you prepare for the Midnight Ceremony.”

“Hey, wait!” Sophie tried not to raise her voice. When Hebe stopped in her tracks, she continued: “Who’s that?”

The person Sophie was referring to was a young man who was angrily trying to find the right key to his room. He was tall, his body strong, yet lean and elegant. He had shoulder-length blond hair, and he was wearing extremely skinny, low-riding jeans and a plain black T-shirt. Even though she couldn’t see his face, Sophie could guess his angelic features which, combined with the quick, confident way in which he moved, could only make a dangerously delicious combination.

“That’s Kain Svjetlo.” Hebe had moved closer to Sophie. “He’s just moved on this floor but, trust me, he’s the last person you’d want to mess with.”

Hebe’s giggles didn’t make Sophie feel any better, so she took her advice for granted and went into her own room.


The room was quite large, with light pink walls and a huge window right across from the door. At her left, Sophie could see a small bathroom and, at her right, there were two four-posters covered in rich covers and soft pillows. There were two desks as well, a computer and some books on each of them. The bed near the window was already taken by a young girl who looked up from the book she was reading.

Lamia was Sophie’s age and about the same height. She had olive skin, black eyes, and black curly hair that flowed over her shoulders in a river of dark, luscious waves. Her body was slender, with small breasts and narrow hips. At first sight, Sophie thought that the firm, athletic girl, lazily spread over the thick blankets, resembled a Greek Amazon.

“Are you just going to stand there? Your things have arrived.”

Lamia’s voice was full and melodious. With a slow movement of her hand she gestured to the other bed, where Sophie saw her luggage. When the new girl didn’t move from her spot in the door frame, Lamia got out of the bed and, a couple of seconds later, Sophie found herself dragged inside the bedroom, the door slammed shut behind her.

Lamia had a strong grip on Sophie’s hand and a huge smile on her face. “I’m Lamia. We’re gonna be best friends. Can’t wait! I’ve been here for three months now and it’s the first time they’re giving me a roommate.”

Sophie smiled hesitantly. Before she could answer, she felt Lamia’s hands all over her face and hair.

“Let me see you.”

Lamia threaded her fingers through her new friend’s soft hair and touched her delicate features. She had always been a touchy-feely person, and the three months in which she had only had her books to keep her company had gotten her bored and nearly insane. As she was tracing Sophie’s full lips with the tips of her fingers, she couldn’t stop imagining all the things they were going to do together.

Sophie felt Lamia’s touches like fire on her skin. Her heart started beating faster, the other girl’s scent invading her nostrils, the warmth of her body enveloping all her senses. She felt admired, desired, seeing satisfaction and pleasure in her roommate’s eyes. The brunette was now looking intently at her lips, and Sophie almost leaned in to kiss her. Just as she shivered in anticipation, Lamia drew back and dragged her briskly to her bed. She let go of her hand only to free the mattress of the entire luggage, dumping it to the floor. Lamia made herself comfortable and motioned to the still dazzled Sophie to sit by her side. When she did, the brunette took the book and papers from her hands.

“Is this your file?”

At Lamia’s inquiry, Sophie wanted to grab her things back, but the girl avoided her hands.

“Come on! I only want to see who your parents are.”

“Well, that’s easy. My father was a priest and my mother’s an accountant.”

“No, not those parents! Your real ones,” said Lamia, but stopped when she picked the implications of Sophie’s answer. “Wait. Your father was a priest?”

“Yeah… he died two years ago. Heart attack.”

“I’m so sorry. You must miss him a lot.”