Page 36 of Lure Academy

Sophie was taken aback. Not by his calm attitude and not by the way he had chosen to control his anger instead of unleashing it upon her. She was taken aback by the fact that she actually understood his point. No, it was more than that. She agreed with him.

“That’s why I said I am sorry.”

He smiled at her. It wasn’t a real smile, though. She could tell he was mocking her.

“What did you expect?” he asked. “Did you think the evil demon would attack you the moment you stepped over that threshold? For no reason whatsoever?”

“I think you have all the reasons in the world.”

“But I don’t.”

He smiled again. Was he playing with her? She was sure he was playing with her. She suddenly realized the position she was in was not to her advantage. Why had she sat on the floor, at his feet, anyway? She stood up and resisted the temptation to wrap her arms around herself. She couldn’t show the Marquis how cold she actually was. She started pacing the cell, making sure she could still see him from the corner of her eye.

“You don’t want to be here,” she said.

“Of course not.”

“That’s one reason.”

“Would attacking you give me a chance to escape?”


“There you go.”

She didn’t say anything else for another long minute.

“I’m ruining your training session,” he added. “I’m sorry. You probably want to make a good impression on your mentors, and I’m making things difficult for you.”

Sophie stopped pacing and stared at him dumbfounded. What was he talking about? Of course she wanted to impress Kain and Alexi, but not like that. She would never attack someone who didn’t pose the slightest threat to her or anyone else. It was strange, but Leraje seemed so… harmless. When he talked, he sounded rather sad and resigned. And he was right: it was pathetic that the incubi and succubi were keeping him and all the other demons here just so their cambions could practice their newly acquired skills. It was more than pathetic, it was low. Very low.

Looking at him, at how he sat in his armchair, at the back of the cell, helpless and exposed, Sophie felt pity for him. Of course there was no point in attacking her. He knew he wouldn’t stand a chance, but not because she would fight back, but because Kain and Alexi were on the other side of the door, ready to come to her rescue if things went south. Yes, that was pathetic indeed. She closed the space between them again, but this time she leaned over him, her hands resting on the armrests. Their faces were so close that now she could see how unnatural his skin looked. And the air was freezing. She felt as if she had just shoved her head inside an iceberg.

“I can help you.”

“Can you?”

“Yes. I can get you out of here.”

The demon smiled.

Sophie had difficulties breathing. She was sure the air reached her lungs, but she couldn’t feel it going through her nostrils. Her nose felt like a useless block of ice on her face, and she realized how hard it had become to move her lips. She made an effort.

“I want to help you. I want to get you out. I can’t stand the thought that you’re living in a cell, suffering, and that those ugly Spprigans keep you weak and helpless. You’re a Marquis of Hell! You don’t deserve this fate!”

The demon’s smile grew larger. It was pleasant. It was beautiful. Yes, Sophie found his smile charming. She tried to smile back, but the corners of her mouth wouldn’t listen to her. They were frozen. She remembered the heat her sigil used to ooze, and that was when she noticed she couldn’t feel it anymore. Her inner demon. That special spot on her stomach. It wasn’t there. Apprehension stabbed at her chest… a feeling that not only the comforting burn of her demon sigil was missing, but something else as well. Something important. It had been there when she had entered the glass cell, but now she couldn’t find it anymore. She wasn’t even sure what it was.

“You can help me…” the demon whispered.

Sophie’s fingers dug into the armrests. She hated when she couldn’t remember things, so there was no way she would let this go. What was that thing which was missing? That thing which had been there when she had first entered the room?

“You will get me out of here…”

She wanted to scream “Yes, yes I will! But wait a second, I forgot something. It was probably stupid, but it bugs me. Give me a moment to remember, then we’ll make a plan.”, but she couldn’t move her tongue. What was it? She felt one of her nails break in the rough material of the armrest, and she squeezed her eyes shut at the unpleasant feeling.


“How do you know my name?” she wanted to ask, but she couldn’t. She felt his cold fingers curl around her arms and a strong urge to open her eyes and meet his black orbs again, but she resisted it. Her shield. Her fresh aura, warm as an early spring day. That was what was missing. And then she knew. The Marquis had played with her mind.