When he broke the kiss, he kept our hands joined and he continued that hypnotic move with his thumb. I forced myself to keep still as Zach nuzzled a spot just below my ear. My entire body felt alive, even more than when he’d kissed me earlier. Before I realized what I was doing, I moved my free hand up and settled it on the back of his neck. I expected him to protest or to move away from the contact, but he remained where he was. I tried not to read too much into it, him standing there like that and holding me and letting me hold him in return, but my wayward mind was already trying to come up with reasons for why any of this was happening.

"Be sure this time, Lucky," Zach whispered. His lips skimmed the shell of my ear, but he didn't attempt to kiss me again and he didn't try to move away. I knew in my gut what he was telling me, but I was afraid to believe that I was getting another chance with him. I wanted to know what it all meant, but I had the sense not to ask him that. And instead of obsessing over all the different possible reasons that he was here with me, I focused on just that one little fact.




I slid my fingers over the soft skin just below where his hair ended. "I'm sure, Zach. I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life," I admitted.

He hung there for the longest time, his face still buried against me. I thought I felt him shudder when I told him I was ready, but I couldn't be sure. When his mouth finally sought out mine again, I could feel tears pricking the backs of my eyes. I managed to keep them at bay and threw myself into kissing him back.

Unlike the majority of his earlier kisses, this one was slow and deep and patient. His tongue curled against mine in certain ways and when I mimicked the act, he let out a whisper of a groan. It went on like that, him teaching me and me figuring out what he liked best. I couldn't say how long we just made out like a couple of kids discovering each other for the first time, but I did know that nothing felt more right in that moment.

It wasn't just Zach's mouth I had the pleasure of exploring. His big hands had moved down to my back and beneath my shirt. The rough pads of his fingers sent delicious slivers of sensation along my nerve endings. That was all it took for my dick to roar fully back to life. In no time, I was desperately rubbing my groin against his. I was glad to feel he was hard too.

"Off," Zach growled as he tugged at the hem of my shirt. He helped me work it off my body but before the fabric had even cleared my hands, his mouth latched on to one of my nipples.

"Zach, oh god!" was the best I could come up with. While he tortured the little nub of flesh, his hands explored any place they could reach. My back, my belly, and most importantly my ass. He gripped my backside firmly and held me in place as he rubbed himself against me. I felt like the top of my head was going to blow off. The sensations were overwhelming and we’d barely even gotten started.

Zach's mouth returned to mine, and I hungrily took control of the kiss. His fingers snuck beneath the back of my waistband and began rubbing up and down the top of my crease. My kisses grew more frantic as my body began to spin out of control.

"Put your legs around me," Zach demanded suddenly as he removed his fingers from my pants and his hands gripped my ass firmly. I barely had a second to comprehend what he was asking me to do when he lifted me up. I instinctively wrapped myself around him, with both my legs and arms. His mouth returned to mine, so I wasn’t able to protest the fact he was carrying my entire weight on his overstressed knee. Fortunately, he didn't have to take me far because he deposited me on my bed and then followed me down. I actually did cry out when his weight landed on mine. I'd imagined it a million times, his big body covering my smaller one, but none of my fantasies had done it justice.

Something in the sounds I made must have alerted Zach because he drew back and looked at me. But he didn't say anything. In fact, all he did was take his hand and smooth it over my hair as he stared at me. Then he dropped his mouth again and started all over with the long, slow kisses that I felt in my toes. His hands caressed my upper body and within minutes I was tearing at his shirt because I desperately needed to feel his skin beneath my fingers.