“Is there a question in there somewhere?” I asked dryly.
Jake studied me like I was a bug under a microscope. “Lucky eventually came back from it, but you didn’t. What the hell happened over there, Zach?”
The light above my head flickered. It was all I could do to keep my voice even when I said, “Open the door, Jake.”
“No, I’m sick of the ‘I’m fine, Jake’ routine. I want some answers, damn it.”
Jake was holding the door shut with his hand and his foot, though I knew it would be easy to dislodge both. But the last thing I wanted to do was forcibly move my brother.
“I served my country and I came home,” I said simply. “And yes, I fucked Lucky because he wanted it and I had no reason to turn him down. I’m sorry if that hurts your sensibilities, Jake, but it was just two guys hooking up and having some fun—”
I wasn’t at all surprised when Jake’s fist connected with my jaw. I was actually surprised it had taken him so long to come after me for my crassness. I managed to stay upright, but Jake was no lightweight. My head spun as I tried to maintain my balance. Jake was panting as he stepped back. I wanted him to hit me again, but he only stood there and stared at me like I was a stranger.
The light above us chose that moment to give out, so I shoved past Jake and opened the door.
And came face to face with Lucky.
Chapter 32
I didn’t bother driving back to my house because even without the phone finder app, I knew he wouldn’t be there. I knew from Ash that Zach had gone there long enough to collect his things, but he hadn’t told Ash or Oz what had happened at the hospital or where he was going. In fact, neither man had even noticed Zach return to the house and Ash had only seen him when he’d been striding toward his truck, bag in hand.
Which was probably the way Zach had wanted it. I’d already figured out he wasn’t a fan of confrontation, especially if the circumstances had anything to do with him. But he was sure as shit getting a confrontation tonight.
I found him at a cheap motel about twenty miles north of Haven. His truck was one of only a few in the parking lot, so it was easy to find a spot for Aiden’s rental car in front of the room.
I’d wanted to follow Zach out of the hospital the moment he’d stumbled out of the dark supply closet he’d been fighting with his brother in, but I’d been unwilling to leave until I’d had a chance to see Xander and make sure with my own eyes that he was okay. Luckily, fate had been on my side and there hadn’t been any real need to rush after Zach. The extra time had also given me a lot of time to think.
And I had a shit ton to think about.
Between Cal’s surprise arrival, the near miss with my father, and Zach’s cruel admission that he’d only been using me for sex, my brain was pretty much at its max. There’d been a tiny part of me that had just wanted to let Zach go because confronting him served no purpose. But on the drive to the little truck stop town of Henryville, I’d come to accept something.
I didn’t need to confront Zach for him or for us, but for me.
I climbed out of Aiden’s car and strode to the motel room door that looked like it would fall off its hinges as soon as I knocked on the door. The hinges stayed put.
When Zach opened the door, he didn’t seem at all surprised to see me. He looked like I felt.
Worn out.
Zach turned on his heel and disappeared into the room, leaving the door open. I followed him in, shutting the door behind me.
Simply put, the place was a dump.
“How’d you find me?” Zach asked. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his back to me. There was an unopened bottle of whiskey sitting on the nightstand.
“You still have my phone. I used the Find My Phone app on my father’s phone to locate it.”
Zach reached into the pocket of the jacket he was wearing. He pulled out my phone and studied it for a moment, then reached for the bottle of whiskey. “Sorry you had to come all this way to get it,” Zach murmured.
“I didn’t come here for the phone. I only used it to find you.”
Zach opened the bottle and took a swig of the brown liquid. “No more lessons, kid. You broke the rules.”
“Don’t need any more lessons,” I said. “You’ve taught me more than enough. In and out of bed.” I walked around the bed so I could see his face. “I am curious to know what rule you think I broke, though.”