When I hopped into my truck with the homemade beer selection I’d brought for the occasion, I noticed Oz’s car was still parked in front of his cabin next to that asshole’s Jeep. I wondered idly if I should offer to drive Oz to Bennett and Xander’s, but I quickly dismissed the idea, since it would mean being in the car together during the drive down the mountain. There was no way I’d be able to keep from asking him what the deal was with Russ.

Once I got to Xander and Bennett’s place, I pasted on the polite smile of someone who wasn’t still plotting murder against one asshole, Jeep-driving jerk. Just as I was walking through the front door, I had the horrible thought that maybe Oz would invite Russ to Thanksgiving dinner. And if that was the case, I was out. I’d just make my way back up the mountain and start packing up what little shit I had in my cabin.

But when I got inside, my eyes immediately found Oz. I wondered how in the world he’d beaten me to town.

How could I be upset, though, when Oz was in the middle of an animated conversation with Xander and Bennett’s dog, Bear? He was holding Boo protectively against his chest as he lectured the bigger dog.

“And if you take advantage of her kindness, we’re going to have words, mister. A man has to be sweet to his lady, you understand? Treat her right. She’s a lot smaller than you, but don’t doubt she has a bite you don’t wanna know about. Okay?” Bear licked his cheek and then began nuzzling Boo, who squirmed in Oz’s arms. He put her down and patted Bear’s head. “Good boy. Such a pretty Bear.”

His voice was like a sensual purr, and I moved away quickly when I realized the effect it was having on me. I wondered if Russ had heard that purr mumbled into his ear throughout the night before.

“Jake, there you are!” I jumped and turned to see Xander’s aunt Lolly approaching me with arms outstretched. I said a silent prayer of thanks that it was winter, which meant she had a full amount of clothing on at the moment. The woman was a nudist and, despite me being a doctor, it made me a little uncomfortable when she showed up in her birthday suit.

“Happy Thanksgiving, Lolly,” I said, returning her hug. “Where’s Steve?”

“Oh, he’s in the kitchen helping Bennett with the food. He brought his mother, Wanda, who’s a little hard of hearing, so when you meet her, be sure and speak up. Come on back and you can give him that beer you brought before Xander steals it all for himself.”

As I did the rounds greeting everyone and wishing them a happy Thanksgiving, I felt my jaw tighten more and more with the stress of picturing Oz and Russell Hastings together. Russ was an excellent skier who taught lessons on the weekend at the nearby slopes and had an entire group of snow bunnies who fawned all over him. Whenever he was on skis or a snowboard, he showed off like a damned trained monkey. Except, instead of performing for tips, he performed for adoration.

The guy was a narcissist who didn’t believe in monogamy.

Albeit a handsome, fit one.

If I didn’t stop picturing the man driving into Oz’s sweet body, I worried my teeth might break.

“Hey.” This time it was Oz greeting me in a soft voice.

I snapped my head around and saw his beautiful face. His forehead was crinkled with worry, and he looked unsure. Seeing him like that made me even angrier.

“Mmf,” I grunted with a nod before turning and walking away. I took my place at the dining room table in hopes it would appear as though I was just being polite by taking my seat, since it was time to eat anyway.

Unfortunately, Oz’s place card was right next to mine. There was no way I could move it without being obvious, so I looked to my other side in hopes someone super chatty would be able to keep me faced away from Oz for the duration of the meal.


Keith McCreary.

Another attractive guy who would probably love nothing more than to get into Oz’s designer skinny jeans. The six-foot-tall mountain man owned a sandwich shop in town and was a notorious flirt. I closed my eyes and cursed Xander and Bennett for befriending all the damned gay men in town. Selfish fuckers.

I was still turned toward Keith’s chair when I felt Oz settle into the chair on my other side. A tiny pair of piranha teeth sank into my ankle.

“Jesus Christ,” I yelped. Sure enough, it was Princess Cujo. I leaned down to lock eyes with her. “What the hell is your problem?”

Oz’s voice was cold when he responded for her. “She’s very loyal to me.”