The change in position had me hitting his prostate.

I managed to keep the angle as I lifted my left hand to Bennett’s mouth to cover his ever-increasing cries of pleasure. His dick was leaking all over my fingers while his inner muscles worked my cock. I could tell he was purposely clenching around me every time I pulled back and the effect was devastating… in the best way.

“I’m going to come,” I warned, barely able to keep my voice from carrying.

Bennett frantically nodded and used both hands on the tree for leverage as he began fucking my dick just as fiercely as I was fucking him. Mere seconds passed before his body locked up tight and he clamped down on me so hard that I was sure he was never going to let my dick go. I shoved into him hard as I felt his scream try to penetrate my fingers. My weight forced him almost flat against the tree as my cock began releasing into the condom. I couldn’t stop from humping into him over and over with jerky pumps as my orgasm took over. I bit down on Bennett’s shoulder to stifle the shout of pleasure that tore free of my throat as the release consumed every part of me.

It could have been hours or minutes before I finally felt my senses begin to return. I still had Bennett plastered against the tree and my hand continued to cover his mouth while the other massaged his softening, wet dick. I knew I needed to pull out of him, but I knew what it would mean when I did.

It wasn’t until the air began to feel cool against my heated skin that I was reminded of where we were and that just a few hundred yards away was the group of kids this trip was supposed to have been about.

And Aiden.

Acid rolled violently in my belly as I released my hold on Bennett and grabbed the edge of the condom so I could pull out of him. I stepped back and removed the condom, tied it off and shoved it in my pocket before rinsing my hands in the cold stream. Bennett didn’t move at first. But I knew it wasn’t because I’d hurt him, at least not physically, anyway.

I reached for my pants to pull them up and finally saw him do the same with his, but he still didn’t turn around. I knew I should say something, but I didn’t know what.

“Bennett,” I began anyway.

“Don’t,” he said. “I know what you’re going to say.”

“What am I going to say?”

“It was a mistake.”

He was right, but somehow hearing him say it actually hurt.

Bennett finally turned around, and I cursed the fact that I couldn’t see him better. Were his cheeks flushed with color? Was he still breathing hard? Was his body still shaking like mine was?

“We should… we should just stay away from each other for the rest of the trip,” I said.

Bennett nodded and I wanted to curse out loud. Again, he was giving me exactly what I wanted.

So why the hell did it hurt so fucking much?

The awkwardness of the moment was broken by the sound of raised voices. When Bear started barking from the direction of camp, I knew something was wrong. I took off running toward camp with Bennett right behind me.

Chapter 14


It was a bear. I just knew it. A bear had invaded the camp while Xander had been fucking me up against that tree.

All the post-orgasmic bliss along with the rush of emotions that had followed disappeared as I ran as fast as I could back to the camp. The kids. I had to get to the kids.

The sight that greeted me was both a relief and disappointment at the same time. Several of the kids were locked in a heated fight and caught in the middle of the small group was Aiden, who looked like he’d been roughed up a bit. Xander reached them first and stepped between Calvin and Toby. My eyes landed on a small form huddled on the ground just behind Toby and I knew who it was almost immediately. Bear was standing protectively in front of Lucky, but thankfully the dog didn’t see me as a threat as I rushed past where Xander was pushing Toby and Calvin apart. Aiden had already managed to break up two of the other older boys who’d been going at it at the same time.

“Sit!” Aiden yelled as he pointed to two separate logs on either side of the fire. “You!” he snapped at Calvin. “Go walk it off!”

“Fuck you!” Calvin retorted. He had blood dripping down from a small cut on the side of his mouth.

“You want to say that to me again?” Aiden asked, his voice low and cold as he approached Calvin. While Aiden was the happy-go-lucky, sarcastic playboy type ninety-nine percent of the time, I’d seen enough to know he was a guy you just didn’t fuck with that other one percent of the time. Calvin stepped back at his approach, and then turned on his heel and stalked off towards the lake. I turned my attention to Lucky who was still curled into a ball. I could hear him crying.