Well, wasn’t the fucker just goddamned adorable?


Hallie elbowed me. “He’s so fucking hot—all confident and shit. Like an alpha male. I’ll bet he has a big dick.”

I choked on my own saliva and began a coughing fit. West banged me violently on the back, which was surprising, considering he was a medical professional.

“Dude, really?” I squawked at him. “Glass of water, maybe?”

“Nah, you’re fine,” he said as he continued pounding my back while his daughter, Pippa, giggled from where she perched on his hip.

“Not you too, Pipsqueak,” I accused. “Your daddy is a meanie.”

“Shh!” my aunt Gina hissed. “He’s saying something.”

We all shut up and focused back on the screen.

Lio’s face had turned serious. “Well, one of the things my grandfather used to lecture me on was honesty. In the process of ascending the throne, you can imagine I’ve spent many hours remembering the lessons I learned from both my father and his father. Grandpa spoke of leading by example. Of earning people’s trust. I’ve decided to do just that, but I can’t begin to build trust until I prove to the people of Liorland that I am trustworthy.

“There are two pieces of personal information I’d like to share with you tonight in an effort to start my reign with the honesty my grandfather held so dear. The first is not my story to tell, but I have been given permission to tell it anyway.”

Lio pursed his lips before looking directly at the news anchor and continuing.

“My father is expecting a child with a dear family friend of ours, Eleanor Wu. They are scheduled to be married as soon as my parents’ divorce is final. I ask that the public and the press please respect their request for privacy. And the request includes, of course, my mother. That is all I have to say about that.”

The news reporter must have been warned not to ask follow-up questions because she only said, “What is the second item?”

Lio swallowed and looked unsure of himself for the first time since appearing on screen. My stomach lurched and roiled as if I’d swallowed a healthy dose of glass dust in the studio.

“Well, the good news is that the second item will help the press quickly forget about the first,” he said with a cheeky wink. “I’m gay.”

It felt like the entire universe held its collective breath.

Even the woman interviewing him looked shocked. “Excuse me. Did you say you’re gay?”

Lio actually laughed at her. “Yes, Valerie. I did. Whew. It actually feels nice having gotten that off my chest. Been a long time coming, honestly.”

I knew he didn’t feel nearly as cavalier as he was acting even though I’m sure his words held some truth.

“Damn,” Otto swore under his breath.

“No shit,” Saint said with a nod. “Ballsy fucker.”

A laugh bubbled up in my throat and spilled over. “Oh my god, he did it,” I said with a giggle. I couldn’t help it. The man was unbelievably brave. I just stared at him while he sat in front of an international audience and made being a gay king sound absolutely goddamned normal.

“He sure did,” Grandpa said with a wide grin as he reached out to squeeze my shoulder.

“Atta boy, Lior,” Doc murmured at the television from behind Grandpa. I saw his hand resting on Grandpa’s hip and took a moment to enjoy the visual sign of their connection. They’d always been the living proof that modeling truth helped others live their own.

I looked around the room at the gay men and women among us and knew without a shadow of a doubt many of us would have never had the guts to live out and proud in our tiny Texas town without seeing Grandpa and Doc do it first.

And now Lio was doing it on an international stage for all to witness.

“I have to call him,” I said, standing up suddenly. “I have to tell him how proud I am of him.”

I turned to run for the door so I could step outside into the mild spring weather and make the call in private. Before I even turned fully around, I heard his deep, familiar voice again and looked back at the screen. Except it was playing a commercial.

“Wha?” I asked like an idiot.

“I said, you can tell me in person.”

I turned around to see Lio standing there, tall and proud and exhausted and nervous all at once. But none of those things mattered. The only part of his appearance that mattered was the location of it.

In Hobie, Texas. There, in front of me.

Chapter 41


It had been a long, hellish week. After coming up with a strategy with Milane, it had taken an army to put it into action and prepare for the fallout. My only consolation was knowing I was going to fly to Texas the minute I was done. The network only landed the interview after agreeing to embargo the information between taping and airing. I needed a chance to get to Felix and be there when he heard the news. Milane had insisted I stay and make myself available for the local press after the interview aired, but I’d remained strong, convincing her the local press could allow me a few days to myself after such a big announcement before pouncing on me.