Page 12 of Knocked Up by Love

I stare at her with a level look. “I mean, I’m going to fuck you six ways to Sunday once Paige is out of the house. Best get yourself ready. Maybe eat some Wheaties or something.”

Chapter Ten


I was sure when I went up to my bedroom last night, I’d never be able to find sleep. I was wrong. The second my head connected with the pillow, I was out. It’s the softest bed I’ve ever slept in. I bet it would be nice to be fucked in one of Bear’s beds.

I put my hands over my face as heat rushes to my cheeks at my own thoughts. Did he really say that to me last night? I went as far as to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. For a moment I was so sure I was. He’d said it as casually as he’d asked if I wanted more marshmallows in my hot chocolate.

I’d all but run from the kitchen, taking my hot chocolate with me. What does one even say to that? The crush I had on Bear quickly faded away with his words. Is he that big of a ladies’ man that he only has to say he’s going to sleep with someone, and the women fall into bed with him?

Gross. I was so sure he was this sweet but gruff guy. I should know better than to trust my instincts. They clearly suck. If they were better maybe I wouldn’t be stuck in the stupid witness protection program.

I grab my phone off the nightstand and check the time before I pull myself out of bed to get dressed for the day. Not sure what I’ll be doing today, I go with a sundress and a pair of flats. Am I supposed to take Paige to school? I know she doesn't ride the bus, but I also don’t have a car. This is probably something Bear and I should have talked about last night.

I peek my head out the door into the hallway to see if anyone else is up. Not seeing anyone, I slip down the stairs to start breakfast before I wake Paige up. I stop short when I enter the kitchen and see Bear there. He’s facing away from me without a shirt on. My mouth suddenly goes dry at the sight of him. Holy crap.

I watch as he opens a cabinet door, reaching up and grabbing a coffee cup. His muscles flow with the movement. I didn’t know a person’s back could be this ripped. Every part of the man is.

“Morning, Honey.” He drawls, making my name sound like a term of endearment and not simply my name. I squeeze my thighs together. Why does this man have to be so attractive?

“Hi,” I chirp.

“Coffee?” he asks. I nod my head like a dork. He’s not even facing me.

“Yes,” I blurt out.

“Cream and sugar?”

“It’s more like I want some coffee with my cream,” I joke. He turns my way, giving me a smirk. I avert my eyes quickly. My nipples harden. It’s too early to be getting this turned on, but here I am. No wonder he gets girls to fall so easily into his bed.

“I’ve got you.” He heads over to the fridge to grab the cream.

“I was going to make breakfast, if you don’t mind.”

“If you want. I mainly do DoorDash. I can’t cook.”

“Well, that’s why you hired me.” I slip by him to head for the fridge. He doesn't try to move out of my way. My body has no choice but to brush up against him. My breasts rub against his thick arm. A groan comes from him, his hand coming down on my hip. I lean into him, my body doing what it wants. My mouth, however, rebels.

“I’m not sleeping with you,” I blurt out.

“Why would you, silly? You have your own room,” Paige says. Her words are followed with a giant yawn. I quickly put more space between Bear and me.

“What would you like for breakfast?” I change the subject.

“We have cereal or Mr. Chan orders something.” Paige starts to pull herself up onto the high-top chair at the kitchen island. Bear moves quickly over to her, helping her to get on.

“I can make you something. You should go to school with a warm breakfast in your stomach.” I pull open the fridge door, seeing firsthand why they order breakfast. “Okay, cereal it is for today. I’ll go to the store this afternoon and pick a few things up.”

“Can we get stuff for pancakes?” Paige asks, her sleep-filled eyes finally opening more.

“I think I can handle that.” I glance around the kitchen. It’s actually going to be nice to get to cook in a kitchen again. Mine is so small I’m not sure it even counts as a kitchen.