She then bent and kissed me… so very deeply that it conveyed a message. Marius was a nonentity in her life when it came to matters of the heart.

She then opened my fly, pulled out my cock, and settled between my legs to suck me off. It was a silent message that conveyed Marius is also a nonentity in matters of the body.

As I was coming down her throat with my hands gripping her head and my eyes rolling in the back of my own, I had the strange and devious urge to whisk Camille away from this palace, away from this country where she’s going to be made to give up the best parts of her life. I could smuggle her to a deserted island where we could live out the rest of our days in solitude.

It’s a pipe dream, of course, but that doesn’t mean I can’t wish for it.

We reach a massive solarium that I haven’t seen before and Camille precedes me inside. I follow her through winding paths of indoor plants and little tables one can sit at to drink coffee or a glass of wine, looking upward in awe at the almost three-story structure made of glass and wrought iron.

At the back of the glass sunroom are doors that lead out to the pool where she’s meeting Marius. I see him already waiting there at one of the outdoor tables with a large umbrella providing shade. A waiter pours sparkling water, and Marius looks every bit the rich playboy without a worry in the world.

He’s dressed in linen shorts, a white, short-sleeve shirt unbuttoned all the way, and European-style loafers. He’s wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, but I can tell his gaze is on Camille as she walks toward him. Over her suit, she has a loose-fitting, dress-like thing on—it’s big on her, which I prefer, but it’s also transparent so you can still see all her luscious curves underneath.

I can’t tell if that fuckwad is looking at her in that way, or if that smile on his face is just one of friendship.

He stands as Camille approaches, and they greet each other with kisses on each cheek. I move under a shaded overhang near the stone balustrade that curves around the veranda and set up watch.

Luckily, being the personal bodyguard of a princess in a warm climate means I don’t have to wear the suits I wore in the States. I’m comfortable in a pair of khakis and a white button-down shirt with my sleeves rolled up to mid arm. Same khakis Camille opened up less than half an hour ago before burying her face in my lap.

I shoot a victorious, smug smile at Marius, but he’s paying me no attention. He’s focused on Camille and whatever she’s saying now that they’ve taken seats at the table. I’m too far away to hear what they’re discussing, and I don’t want to, anyway. I’m confident I wouldn’t like the ease with which they communicate or the years upon years of friendship that serves as the basis for their easygoing ways.

Christ, I’m fucking jealous. Not of him having her in a sexual way, but of their goddamned friendship.

I want that with her.

Hell, maybe I will have that with her.

When I leave, can we continue a friendship?

I shake my head in answer to my own question and occupy myself with scanning the perimeter of the area we’re in. I know just beyond the veranda and the manicured lawns, past the rows of bushes and other plantings, there are dozens of security professionals patrolling the grounds. Camille is safe for now, but tomorrow might be another matter. The birthday party will be a test for us all.

It’s her laughter that pulls my attention her way. Marius is laughing too, and whatever has been said, it’s funny enough to have her holding her stomach.

Fuck, she’s beautiful when she laughs. I mean, she’s beautiful all the time, but when she does that, it lights me up from inside. There have been many times over these last two weeks I’ve seen that laugh, and it never gets old.

Movement in my peripheral vision catches my attention, and I see Dmitri coming out onto the veranda from another set of doors to my left. Paul is with him, and both men wear a grave expression. My heart beats a little faster, and my eyes move back to Camille, staying there even when they reach me.

“She’s safe,” Dmitri says in a low voice. “There’s no new threat.”

Relief forces air back into my lungs, and I give him my attention. “Then what is it?”

“Paul will stay here with the princess,” Dmitri informs me. “I need you to come to the security offices.”

“Why?” I ask, unwilling to leave my post until I know more. I like Paul. Trust him, even. But Camille is my responsibility.