I am, too, for that matter. I know damn well her orgasm was monumental, but I don’t need platitudes for it.

What I do need is a healthy dose of reality.

Because I realize with sudden clarity that when I gave in and kissed her, and then when I became determined to give her an orgasm, I foolishly thought this would be a one-time thing.

As I stare down at her now, her eyes sparkling with fulfillment and a bit of mischievous delight, I know this will never be a one-time thing.

“After we land, I’ll slip away and get us a box of condoms,” I tell her.

Not ask her.

Tell her that our next intimate liaison is going to be me fucking her.

“Good,” she says in a husky voice, stepping in closer. “Because I’m really interested to see what that cock can do between my legs.”

I groan, and fuck if said cock doesn’t jump in response. “I think you talk dirty as well as I do,” I mutter.

“Well,” she drawls pertly, “I’m just learning, but I’m finding I like it.”

Me too, Camille. Me too.



I joined the mile-high club with him not four hours ago, somewhere over the Florida panhandle. The only thing that kept me from calling out his name to the heavens was the fact that my mouth was so full of him.

It was stupendously amazing, and I was shattered.

And then it was over.

We had to dress quickly, and I ogled his body while I pulled on my clothes. I hadn’t had the chance when he first undressed because I was ogling that part of him that fascinated me most. But as he dressed, I stared in wonder at his right arm, completely covered in tattoos from shoulder to wrist. On the left side of his torso, a massive dragon with green and gray scales crawls down his ribs, wings tucked and a large, spiked tail that wraps around his back and comes up over his shoulder. Flames shoot from its mouth, licking down over his hip bone and spreading slightly into his thigh.

Which made me look at his dick again.

I quickly averted my eyes to his chest where perhaps the most interesting tattoo sits, a skeleton of a frog with a man’s name under it. I asked him what it signifies, and he said it’s honoring a fallen SEAL but didn’t offer more. I didn’t press. We continued to dress in silence.

I had to stay in my bedroom for another fifteen minutes after Jackson left because you could tell by my mouth I’d just given him a blow job. It didn’t help matters that before he walked out of my room, he pressed a punishing kiss—full of tongue and promise—and whispered, “I like the taste of me on your mouth.”

I swear I almost combusted right then and there again.

I was convinced Paul, the flight attendants, and even the pilots who sat in the cockpit the entire time knew I’d just had sex in my bedroom.

Oral sex, but it was still sex.

And once again, it was mind-blowing.

But now I’m in Princess Camille mode and Jackson is in bodyguard mode, and you’d never know what we did not long ago. For the rest of the flight, to our landing and disembarking, to the vehicle procession to the hotel, then on to the community rec center where we are currently, we’ve barely spoken two words to each other.

We’re speaking to each other about as much as we usually do when in work mode. I surfed my phone in our downtime, going over last-minute itinerary plans and notes for speeches. Jackson was vigilant, issuing orders to the other team members who are providing additional security.

Even though I’m playing it cool the way he does, it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about it.

Amazing isn’t really the right word to describe that experience.

Transcendental fits better. It was the most intimate, naughtiest thing I have ever done with a man. The orgasm he gave me was almost brutal, but it was the best I’ve ever had. I know deep in my gut, I’m never going to have it that good with anyone else. Any poor schmuck my parents eventually try to press on me to marry … well, it’s just never going to be like that.

There will never be another man who can do that to me, I just know it.

Jackson and I have agreed to keep this going. At least, that’s the way I took his statement that he was going to get condoms.

An errand he’s already completed. While we were checking into the hotel, he left me under Paul’s watch and slipped away. I knew exactly where he’d gone, even if no one else had a clue.

It’s my belief—no, my sincerest desire—that we open that box tonight.

There’s a tugging on the hem of my skirt, and my mind jolts back to the reality that I’m at a public event at the local recreation center, in the process of mingling with adults and kids.