I stare at the words on my laptop, a summary of our last stop on the trip. We spent a day in Jackson, Wyoming, because Camille loves the snow and Jackson is renowned for its ski slopes in the winter. While this day was not like the utter relaxation she had on Sunset Key, it was still a vacation stop meant for her to do something fun.

It was, without a doubt, the best time I’ve spent with her. Some of that may have been because we were at the end of the trip, and when time is short, it becomes precious. But most of it was watching Camille, full of unfettered joy while out on the slopes. She looked adorable in her ski suit, helmet, and goggles with her long hair streaming in the wind as I chased her downhill. Luckily, Paul and I are experienced skiers, and we were able to be at her side for every trip up and down the mountain. Agents had been posted along the slopes, all information included in my report. Kynan would be interested in those details, and not the fact that I loved hearing Camille laugh when she’d fall, which wasn’t often.

I type a few more lines. We had one agent operating a drone over the area to keep eyes on the princess at all times, a rather innovative idea of mine. It’s that drone, however, that might cause a problem if the footage is reviewed. My lips curve as I remember a very specific incident where Camille, Paul, and I were coming down the slope. Camille ended up taking a tumble. Paul was already ahead of her, and I called for him to stop while I slid to a stop several feet before her and carefully sidestepped my way to her. Camille was laughing, as usual, which meant she wasn’t hurt, so I waved Paul on.

When I reached a gloved hand down to help her up, she jerked hard and pulled me off balance. I went down right on top of her, and neither one of us minded a damn bit.

We had what ended up being a longer than I had planned kiss, and I’m quite sure the drone picked it up. I’m sure the agent operating it was shocked to hell, and who knows who he’ll tell, but at this point, I just don’t care.

Regardless, I’m definitely leaving that part out of the written report. There’s no telling what BOB would do with it, but I imagine in the future, all dossiers will have a big red warning not to get physically or emotionally involved with clients.

While I’m not putting any of what happened between me and Camille in my debriefing report, I will tell Kynan what happened when I get back. I take my job seriously, and it was a mistake to go there with Camille. But in hindsight, I regret nothing on a personal level. Not sure what will happen when I return, but I will let the chips fall where they may.

After we arrived at the Bretaria airport, a ten-car convoy of vehicles and agents escorted us to the palace with no problems. Camille and I traveled in the rear of an SUV with another agent driving and Paul in the front seat. We sat as far apart as two people can in that back seat, but when she stretched her arm and placed her hand down on the center seat, I didn’t hesitate to reach and cover it with mine. We rode that way until we pulled onto the palace grounds and then quietly pulled apart.

The king and queen were waiting under the carport at one of the palace’s back entrances. Camille ran into their arms, and it was clear that the reunion was going to be more than just repetitive hugs. The three of them walked off with Camille chattering about the trip. I knew she would at some point today tell her father that she knew about the threat to their lives. After she got over her anger that he would dare keep her in the dark, she was happy to know the truth. And she wanted her father to know that he cannot hide things from her anymore. She always did better knowing exactly what might come her way.

I was led back to the security offices where, in one of the conference rooms, a large lunch had been laid out. While I ate, I gave Dmitri a brief rundown of how things went, but he knew I would be providing a full and detailed debriefing tomorrow. After lunch, I offered my regards and retired to my room to start on my written report.

I’d been in my room about an hour, typing away, when a knock came to my door. It was one of the palace staff carrying a tray with a small, ornately carved wooden box with a gold lock that had a key stuck in it. A card sat next to the box.