Camille launches into a long-winded summary of what life has been like for her since she graduated. Much of it I’d already picked up on. First and foremost, she serves as a representative of the mining part of the family business and secondarily as a member of the royal crown. This makes sense because this monarchy’s ruby trade has always taken precedence over the flamboyancy of being a royal. It doesn’t mean King Thomas doesn’t attend royal duties. He has a lot of them, which also includes being an advisor to the parliament that rules Bretaria. And now that Camille is in the business, the king tends to concentrate on the royal side of things while Camille works the mining side, under his watch, of course.

“But my father is pulling me in more on royal duties now,” Camille says as she cuts up a shrimp. “Believe it or not, I actually have to take classes on the history of the Bretarian monarchy since its inception.”

“I guess your schooling is never done, huh?” I muse.

“Always learning something every day, aren’t we? Otherwise, how do we develop as people?”

“Good point.” I pick up my wine for a sip. I’m not usually a wine guy. Give me a beer, and I won’t even care if it’s craft. Better yet, some whiskey. But I sip to be social and because it tastes great with our light meal.

When I set my wineglass down, I ask, “Okay … it’s clear you’re a hard worker and you don’t take vacations. I do know that you sneak out of the palace to go cliff diving, but what else do you do for fun?”

Camille gives a mirthless laugh. “I’m not saying this to make you feel sorry for me, but sneaking out of the palace was pretty much the highlight of any given day for me.”

“Parties? TV? Shopping?”

She wrinkles her nose. “Boring.”

I laugh and settle back in my chair, enjoying the view of her before me. “Come on, Princess… give me something. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever wanted to do? We can even make it happen on this trip. Skydiving? I’ll arrange it. Drive a race car around a track? I can totally set it up.”

Camille settles back in her chair and mimics my actions, clasping her hands over her stomach and resting her elbows on the armrests. She looks upward as if pondering before locking her baby blues tight on me. The look on her face is positively mischievous. “I’m not much for jumping out of planes. But if I had to do something adventurous, I think at some point on this trip, I’d approach a hot guy and solicit him for a one-night stand. Maybe I’ll arrange to have you take me out to a nightclub and let me pick somebody. Of course, it would be completely safe because I would have you, Paul, and probably half a dozen other agents making sure I’m okay. I mean, not the sex part—I’d handle that, and I already have some condoms tucked away for just such an occasion.”

I can do nothing but stare at her, my eyes practically bugging out of my head. Surely she’s joking. Camille gives me a sweet smile and leans forward in her chair, putting her attention back on her meal. She resumes eating as if she didn’t just drop the biggest, most explosive bombshell I’ve ever heard in my life.

Princess Camille has added to her itinerary random sex with a complete stranger.

And the pisser of it is, I can’t stop her from doing it. She’s an adult. My job is to make sure she’s safe. In all actuality, I can watch her from a distance in a nightclub while she picks the man she wants to fuck. I can be discreet and follow her back up to her suite, and I can sit with my ear pressed against the door to make sure he’s not hurting her. But past that, I can’t do much else.

My stomach rolls at the thought of listening to her have sex with somebody else, particularly if she’s enjoying it.

Camille’s head pops up and she looks at me brightly. “Do you think we could arrange for a boat ride after dinner? I’d love to be on the open water one more time before we leave tomorrow.”

And just like that, she changes the subject.

She did it so she didn’t have to hear my thoughts on the matter, even though I’m nowhere near ready to tell her exactly how I feel about it. I’m far too disturbed by it.

I think she knows it too.

Camille dropped that bombshell pretty much to say she’s moved on, making it clear she’s going to do what she wants.

Apparently, she’s decided she’s going to get that kiss one way or another, and I’m not sure how much of this is bothering me that she could so easily forget wanting to kiss me just a few days ago.