I cursed as I felt myself rise up on a crest of sensations, knowing it was almost over. I fought the orgasm back as long as I could, but the battle was lost before I knew it.

“I’m coming,” I warned her. But she didn’t pull away. God bless her, she kept pulling on my cock like her life depended on it.

It was another few minutes before my body stopped shaking. I pulled her into my arms and kissed the hell out of her. I closed my eyes, a deep feeling of wonder and contentment filling me. I couldn’t wait to do the same thing to her.

Right after I took a little nap . . .

Chapter Eighteen


I fought back a giggle, sitting naked in bed and staring at the beautiful man who let out a soft snuffling sound. I knew something new about him, the incredible man I was supposed to kill. But instead of ending his life, he had brought me back to the land of the living.

The most feared mob boss in the entire country, if not the world, was lying peacefully in my bed, looking like an angel and sounding like a little boy.

Vincent Margarelli snored.

Thankfully, it was a soft sound, not the sort of saw-tooth snoring that sent their wife to the couch to get some sleep. I felt a happy flutter inside me at the word wife. It was adorable.

If I hadn’t already been in love with him, I would have fallen for him at that moment.

Vincent Margarelli, the man I’d pointed a gun at less than a day before, was sleeping peacefully and as innocently as a lamb in my bed. I sighed happily and shook my head, going to ring for food to be brought up. I’d shower and let him sleep until it arrived.

I shut the door to the bathroom softly and turned on the hot water. Not too hot. My mother had taught me that too much heat was a bad thing. It depleted the oils from the skin. I let my robe slip to the floor and stepped under the water, lathering myself up.

I luxuriated in the shower, still feeling his hands on me, knowing that he would want to have me again when he woke. The delicious feelings spread as I ran my soapy hands over my breasts, the nipples forming hard pebbles under my palms.

The door burst open, and I gasped, staring at the man in the open doorway. Vincent was breathing heavily, his eyes boring into me. He was dressed—or half-dressed—with his shirt and pants on but still unbuttoned. I watched as he took three massive steps across the room and reached into the shower, pulling me out. He pulled me against him, soap suds and all.


His eyes scanned my face then dipped to my lips before taking my mouth in a drugging kiss. I realized he was angry. He took it out on me, kissing me harder than he ever had before. When he finally lifted his head, he was calmer.

“You should have woken me.”

“I was just taking a shower. I wanted to let you rest.”

“I thought you snuck out on me. I thought you left.”

“Well, I didn’t. I’m dripping water all over the floor!”

His lips twisted sardonically.

“Next time, you will wake me,” he said before slapping my ass. I yelped. It smarted even more than it would have if my skin had not been so wet.

His mouth dropped to my throat, where he nipped and licked my sensitive skin. “You thought you would try and get away from me?” he growled playfully into my ear. I felt wetness pool between my legs in response.

I was breathless and giddy with the way he was manhandling me. It had been so long since my ex and I had those first brief months of happiness during our engagement. Before I had seen him for what he truly was. A monster.

But Vincent was different. I knew who he was in his core. I knew everything. He was good. Or if not purely good, at least noble. Honorable. I knew it in my bones. He showed me. He never hid who he was from me.

He never held back.

His hand closed around my throat, but gently.

“I want you.”


“Now,” he insisted.


I found myself spun around to face the mirror over the long marble countertop. Our eyes met and held. Vincent slowly lowered himself to his knees behind me. I stared at my flushed face as the shower filled the room with steam and Vincent buried himself between my thighs.

I gasped as his hands roughly pulled my cheeks apart to push his tongue deeper inside me. He fucked me with his tongue, long, slow, and deep. His nimble fingers snaked around my thighs to strum against my clit. My knees buckled as I came, rougher and harder than I had ever before.