“I knew it!” Stella yelled, a huge smile on her face. “You haven’t touched your damn wine!”

Cassie returned the big smile. “Well, we weren’t expecting your news to come so soon. And we definitely didn’t expect Reese to be the first one knocked up… But…”

“That’s wonderful,” Red said softly.

Everyone’s excited chatter died down and eyes turned toward her.

Their reaction was a bit… strange.

It was like a wet blanket thrown on a fire.

Shay felt so out of touch with the undercurrents between the group of women. They didn’t treat her like an outsider but she felt like one because she didn’t know everyone’s history. It felt like being dropped off at someone else’s family reunion.

Maybe Red had lost a child or had a miscarriage. Miscarriage was so prevalent in the first trimester. But even though miscarriages were common, it still had to be devastating.

Shay didn’t even know the whole story about Red but whatever it was, she still felt for her.

“Please never temper your reactions because of me,” Red went on to say. “We did what was best for Levi and I have no regrets.”

Jet got up and went over to her to give her a hug. “Believe me, my family loves you for it. And you know you can see him at any time.”

Shit. Shay was quickly getting an inkling about what happened but not the whole story. She’d have to ask Ozzy later.

“I’m happy for you, Cassie,” Red said with a soft smile. “For all of you ladies when you have good news. Congratulations. I’m sure Judge is thrilled.”

“Love you, girl,” Cassie said, blowing her a kiss. “And yes, he is. I hid the positive pregnancy stick under his pillow. I struggled not to blurt out the news.”

“Did he find it right away?”

Cassie’s cheeks turned red. “Umm. No.”

The ladies laughed.

The blonde cleared her throat. “But soon after.”

“At least you got a chance to surprise him. Trip was following me into the bathroom almost every damn morning, waving a stick at me to pee on. I couldn’t even pee in peace.”

“He had to have spent a damn fortune on tests,” Reese said with a laugh.

“He did. I swear we now have a closet full of them. So, if anyone else needs one, we got you covered.”

“Not me, thank goodness,” Chelle said with a laugh. “Three kids is enough. Especially with two in college right now. And one hopefully heading there in the next few years.”

“Has Jude mentioned wanting to go to college?” Jet asked.

“Not yet. But I’m dropping hints whenever I can. He’s got time. But I want to make sure his grades are good now so if he decides to go, he’ll have no problem getting accepted.”

“Does Shade want him to go?” Red asked.

“Shade wants Jude to have a better life than what he did.”

“Well, Shade has you now. And the girls. And Jude. It can’t get better than that.”

Chelle smiled at Red. “He’s definitely surrounded by people who love him. And all of you, too, of course.”

“And now so is Jude.”

Chelle nodded. “I feel for that kid but love him to death. He’s fit into our family seamlessly.”

Shay was so lost. “Did you and Shade adopt him?”

Chelle hesitated before saying, “No, he’s Shade’s son but we now have custody of him.”

She’d met Shade. She’d also met Jude. It didn’t seem possible that Shade could be Jude’s father. Unless she was misjudging their ages. Jude had to be at least thirteen. And Shade couldn’t be more than thirty, even though Chelle was older than Shay. Shade had to be a kid himself when he fathered Jude.

“Sooo,” Stella started, pulling everyone’s attention to her, off of Chelle and back to Cassie. “Does Saylor know? Is that why she was a bit salty?”

“Not yet.”

“When are you going to tell her?”

“We’re trying to find the right time. I’d hate to lose her, especially now. But Daisy is a lot of work for her and adding a baby on top of her responsibilities…”

“I mean,” Stella started, “she’s not going to be doing it by herself and you can bring the baby to the crematorium with you.”

“That’s true,” Cassie said. “It’s nice to have that option.”

“Judge will definitely be hands-on,” Reese said. “And, hell, maybe Deke and Judge can turn the bail bonds business into a day care!” She laughed but Jet groaned loudly.

“I want to catch bad guys, not change poopy diapers!” Jet complained.

“I’m kidding,” Reese assured Jet. She lifted one eyebrow. “Or am I?”

“How about you, Shay? Do you have any?” Stella asked.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Do you want any?”

“I’m thirty-eight so my window of opportunity is getting narrower. But really, I haven’t decided. I’m just thankful I didn’t have any with my ex-husband.”

She was glad when none of them tried to dig deeper.

“You don’t need a husband to have kids. There are other options if you really want some,” Reese reminded her.