Also don’t let anyone fuck me over and get away with it.

That made her wonder who had fucked him over and what he’d done in response. “You missed something.”


“You don’t like commitment.”

He dropped his arms but didn’t respond. His expression had turned into a stone mask.

“This is what I’ve discovered about you in the last two weeks… You’re forty and never had a serious relationship. You have the itch to hit the road again, to go back to what you call being a nomad. You really don’t like being tied down to a business like the motel but you’re doing it even though you’d rather not. You yourself said your home is your sled. That ‘home’ has two wheels on it and is easily moved.” She sucked in a breath to bolster herself and finished up with something he would not like. “Truthfully, I think you’re scared.”

He scowled. “Of fuckin’ what?”

“Of losing your freedom. Your ability to just pack up and leave whenever you want. Even if you don’t do it, with the way things are now, you know you can.”

“Been livin’ here for three years.”

“Three years is just a tiny blip in your lifetime, Ozzy. What’s stopping you from hopping on your sled tomorrow and leaving?”


“Right. What if you had an ol’ lady and kids? Or even just an ol’ lady? It wouldn’t be so easy then, would it?”

“Not lookin’ for that. Like my life just fine the way it is.”

“That’s what I’m saying.”

“Ain’t got shit to do with commitment.”

She raised her eyebrows at him, then sighed. “Anyway, my point is, I know who I am and I will always work on improving myself. It’s been a slow go but I’m getting there.” Even in only two weeks, Ozzy had given her a turbo boost toward that goal. “But I still don’t know why I’m special enough to go with you on Sunday’s run when you’ve never taken a woman with you before.”


She frowned. “You had a thing with Reilly?”

He shook his head. “Fuck no. She’s like a little sister to me. She’s been on the back of my sled durin’ a run.”

“Anybody else? Like with someone you’ve had lots of that sex with that you love so much?”

“On a club run? No.”

“I’m not a part of your club like Reilly is. I’m an outsider. So, again, why me? And not only taking me on the run, but you want me to hang with your club… your family. Why? I might only be here another two weeks, if that. Because of the long hours that I’ve been putting in, I may get done ahead of schedule.”

“And that’s the fuckin’ reason why you’re takin’ the weekend off. You need time for you. You need time to relax. Nobody’s gonna ride your ass if you take the whole fuckin’ month to get the job done. Hell, nobody’s gonna ride your ass if it takes you more than a month.”

“The sooner I get it done, the sooner I get paid.”

“You’re workin’ that hard just ‘cause of scratch?”

She fought the roll of her eyes. “What else would I work for? I’m not some trust fund baby. I don’t have a lot of extra cash lying around. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid.”

“Don’t gotta work seven days a week.”

“No. But you make hay while the sun is shining. Right now, the sun is shining and I need to make enough hay to put some away for those rainy days.”

He blinked, then a slow wicked grin crossed his face. “Now you got me wantin’ to roll you in the hay.”

At the time, she had huffed out a laugh and shook her head. But she didn’t reopen her laptop and they spent the rest of the night getting sweaty between the sheets.

The man was right about one thing for sure. He loved sex. No one could argue that fact.

She would miss having it with him when she left. She didn’t remember having this much sex once she and Darren had gotten married. Did he become bored with her right after they said their “I dos?”

In the end, Ozzy was stubborn and determined enough to get her to take the weekend off, so she had. And, if she was being honest with herself, she loved every freaking second of it.

But she still had no idea why he thought she needed to get to know everyone in his club so well.

Yes, they were sleeping together every night. Yes, she had given up her motel room and was temporarily staying in his apartment. Her excuse was that it was more convenient and she wouldn’t be taking up a room that could be earning the motel money. But, no, she didn’t plan on sticking around once her work for the club was finished.

Ozzy hadn’t pushed her to consider Manning Grove as a more affordable option for a place for her to live, but he did drop hints about it. Often.