Ol’ lady.

Sweet butt.

Prison bids.


House mouse.

Those were only a few of the terms she’d learned over the past two weeks. Occasionally she had to ask Ozzy what something meant. Most times she could figure it out on her own.

It only took her a couple of hours to build a one-page website for the MC. She kept it simple and to the point like Trip wanted. Besides that one, the site for Dutch’s Garage was now live, too.

She was still working on Crazy Pete’s. They’d headed back to the bar that night for her to take pictures once the place was hopping and she also snapped a few of the band playing on stage. They’d taken time to speak with the manager, Dodge, and also Stella, before shooting a game of pool, when once again Ozzy beat the pants off her without any shame.

Stella voiced some concerns about Shay building an events page with upcoming bands, pool tournaments and the like, worried it would be difficult for her or Dodge to keep it updated. Shay assured her that she’d make it so it was easy to do. Once the site was done, she planned to carve out a few hours to spend with Stella, teaching the MC prez’s pregnant wife how to do just that.

Dealing with Stella had been great. The heavily-tattooed woman was outgoing but also very kind. Shay quickly realized the woman had a lot more patience than her “ol’ man.”

Once she was done with Crazy Pete’s site, she would move on to the rest of the simpler sites. Then the last one she would tackle would be for the motel. She’d been working on it in small chunks due to the complexity of setting up the online reservation system. She also planned on making sure the motel was listed on sites like TripAdvisor, Travelocity and any major travel site that had to do with booking motel rooms.

During the summer, Ozzy said the motel was usually booked solid. Mostly with tourists and hikers visiting the PA Grand Canyon and out-of-town visitors for events like graduation at Manning Grove High and also nearby Mansfield University.

However, Trip stated he wanted to draw more traffic to the business in the off months. She assured him that the right website for the motel would bring in more than enough “scratch” to pay for all of the work she was doing.

He only cocked an eyebrow at her but didn’t argue.

Trip had done most of the talking during their meeting at the bar. By the end of it, Shay was more curious about Sig than she was when she first sat down with them. Before the meeting, Ozzy told her they were half-brothers but warned her that they both had short fuses, which they inherited from their late father, Buck.

On Sunday, Ozzy’s plan was for them to spend time out at the farm getting to know both the Fury brotherhood and sisterhood after the club’s run. Where, he stated, her ass would be planted on the back of his sled.

“Do you normally take a woman along on your runs?”


“Then, why me?”

“Why not?”

While that was a good comeback… “What makes me more special than anyone else you’ve ever been with?” He never hid the fact that he’d had a lot of women in his bed. And out of bed, too. She was aware she was just one of countless.

Did she have a problem with that? No, because she had no right to be. Plus, in the last two weeks, she’d been the only one in his bed. To her, that was all that mattered while she was staying with him. Who he slept with before her wasn’t any of her business and neither would be who he slept with after she left.

“You gotta ask that, then…”


“Then you don’t see what I see,” was his answer.

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I see you for who you are, not who you think you are.”

“How is that not the same person?” she asked.

“You tell me.”

The man could be rough around the edges—though, she knew he tried to smooth out those edges around her—but he had a heart of gold.

“You know, you want me to be who I am, but I want you to be who you are, too. There’s absolutely no reason you need to walk on eggshells around me. I’m not going to run away screaming if you show me your true self.” Or at least, she didn’t think she would. Who knew? Maybe he had some sort of deep, dark secret that would scare the crap out of her.

“Showin’ you my true self.”

She made a little noise.

“Look,” he raised his arms up and straight out to either side, “I was tryin’ not to overwhelm you all at once, but you wanna know who I am? This is who I am… I love pussy and lots of it. I smoke, get stoned, drink a shitload and curse even more. I don’t take any fuckin’ shit. I only give my loyalty where it’s deserved. Also ain’t gonna back down from a fight or watch what I say, worryin’ about hurtin’ anyone’s feelin’s with my words. Also don’t let anyone fuck me over and get away with it.”