He also couldn’t say it wasn’t a mistake.

Or he could just fucking ignore it.

Hold the fuck up…

Why didn’t she say anything back? She couldn’t imagine herself waking up next to him every day for the rest of her life?


“Gonna make you breakfast.”

He rose from the lounge chair and, keeping his face neutral, he went inside and closed the slider behind him.

This morning’s menu was now fucked, food and shower. Only he was the one fucked.

And not in a way he preferred.

Chapter Fifteen

Out in the garage, Ozzy could hear the two women talking in the office, even over the whine of air tools and the noise of Whip lowering a lift.

Reilly’s excited chatter was hard to ignore. She wanted nothing more than to make the newest Fury business a success. But then, she had a motivation in the form of scratch. Trip told her the more the business made, the more she’d make. Like an actual percentage of profits.

Ozzy didn’t get that for managing the motel. What he did get was a roof over his head and scratch in his pocket and, when he had the right employees working for him, he didn’t have to do a lot except make sure everybody was doing their job.

When he hired a fuck-up, he ended up having to fill in. Right now, shit was working smoothly. But Ry was heading back to college any day now and even though Josie would still work part-time as soon as her classes started, it wouldn’t be the same without them there full-time. Maybe he could talk Maddie into helping out, too.

Chelle’s girls had been raised right. They had good work ethic and were smart. Just like Chelle.

Shade was one lucky motherfucker.

Though, Ozzy wasn’t sure he’d want to get stuck suddenly raising three older kids like that. Even though Maddie was now twenty-one and old enough to be on her own or even live on campus, she still lived at home.

Shade wanted to keep all of their kids—and the man considered Chelle’s girls his now, too—as close as possible. In a very short amount of time, he’d become super protective of his stitched-together family.

Now that Shay was busy in the office with Reilly, he figured it would be a good time to corner Dutch without her overhearing their conversation.

“Where’s your old man?” he asked Cage. The mechanic leaned over an engine, busy adjusting the spark plugs.

“Ain’t my turn to watch him,” came the answer. Cage didn’t even bother to lift his head from under the hood. “Who’s the chick?”

“She’s workin’ on makin’ websites for the businesses.”

Cage stopped working and straightened, pulling a rag from his coveralls’ pocket to wipe his hands. “Websites?”

“Yeah, bringin’ the Fury into this century.”

His eyebrows knitted together. “My old man gettin’ one for the garage?”

“He said he wanted one.”

Cage’s eyebrows exploded all the way up his forehead. “He even know what a website is?”

Ozzy snorted. “Don’t he use Pornhub?”

Cage shrugged and shifted enough to get a clear bead on his older brother Rook two bays down. “Hey, asshole, you show Dutch how to find Pornhub?”

Rook came around the truck he was working on. “Figured that was you since when I went to pull up the site on his phone, it was bookmarked to the gay categories. And not the two women type of gay. The other kind.”

“The Teddy kind?” Cage asked.

“Yeah. That was you, wasn’t it?” Rook asked, using his thumbnail to scratch his forehead.

Cage shook his head. “Wasn’t me.”

“That was me,” Rev shouted out from wherever he was. “Now I know every time he pulls it up ‘cause he bitches for five fuckin’ minutes straight ’til he figures out how to find the girl-on-girl action.”

“Straight,” Rook repeated with a laugh. “But fuck, asshole, why didn’t you tell us? I had no idea why he was grumblin’ at his damn phone so much.”

Ozzy barked out a laugh. “Record him next time he does it. I miss all the good shit bein’ over at the motel.”

Rook glanced over toward the office and tipped his head in that direction. “Don’t miss all the good shit.”

Ozzy followed his line of sight. “Yeah. She’s just here for the month.”

“Can do a lot in a month.”

Ozzy dropped his chin to his neck and gave Rook a look. “You should fuckin’ know.” He and Jet hid their secret for way more than a month.

Rook snorted and walked away, throwing over his shoulder, “Check out back. But be careful, he might be out there whackin’ one off if Rev showed him how to access Pornhub.”

“Maybe I should make Lee go see if it’s safe first,” Ozzy suggested loudly enough so Rev would hear it, knowing he’d get a reaction from the man over his ol’ lady.

“No. She don’t need to see the old man jerkin’ on his damn wrinkly-ass pud.”

“Like she ain’t seen it a million times already,” Whip piped in.