“Don’t gotta explain,” Ozzy said quickly, daring a glance at Shay.

Her face was expressionless. She stared at Brandy, who was now physically wrapping one of Ozzy’s arms around her waist. Normally when Brandy did that, he’d snake his hand up her top and grab one of her tits, even tweak her nipples, but he figured now was not the best time to do that.

Instead, he did his damnedest to keep his muscles and fingers relaxed.

“We’re here for them,” Brandy continued. “We do whatever they want.”

“Whatever they want,” Shay repeated, flicking a glance at his arm loosely wrapped around Brandy.

The sweet butt nodded. “Whatever they want. Whenever they want it. Wherever they want it. Like here on the bar—”

“That’s all she needs to hear.” Ozzy grabbed Brandy’s waist and unwedged her from his thighs, giving them space.

“No, I want to hear the rest,” Shay insisted with raised eyebrows. “Go on, Brandy, you can explain. Are you the only sweet butt?”

“No, there are a few of us. Because we’re club property, we’re under the club’s protection, we get to party with them, and—”

“Club property?” Shay frowned.

“Well, we belong to the Fury.”

“Wait. You’re considered property?” Shay’s brown eyes hit Ozzy’s. “Is that normal?”

Ah fuck. “Yeah. Women. Children. Most MCs consider them property and under the club’s protection. We take care of them.”

“You take care of them,” Shay repeated flatly.

“They take care of us and we take care of them.” Brandy winked, then made a blowjob motion with her fist by her mouth.

Ozzy closed his eyes and shook his head. “All right. Go find someone else tonight. Yeah?” Brandy might end up cock-blocking him if he wasn’t careful.

“If he hasn’t told you yet, Oz loves threesomes, even foursomes. So, if you two want someone to join you tonight, I’m available.” She wiggled her over-plucked eyebrows.

“Thanks for your help, Brandy. Go the fuck away now.”

Brandy shrugged and wandered toward the bunkhouse. The sweet butt was wearing Daisy Dukes cut so high that both ass cheeks were hanging out as she moved toward the door that separated the two parts of the building. The crotch of those shorts had to be wedged up into her snatch.

“She has to be half your age. Is she even old enough to drink?”

Shay’s comment had his attention sliding back to her. “Yeah.”

Shay didn’t take a sip of beer, she took a big chug this time, then carefully placed her pint glass back on the bar. “Just so I don’t misunderstand what a sweet butt is…”

Ozzy braced.

“They’re girls—”


“Girls,” she said louder, “who service you guys.”

“They wanna be here.”

“You have sex with them whenever you want.”


“Basically,” she repeated in a murmur. “You guys share them.”

“That, too.”

“You don’t pay them, right?”

“No. They get other benefits. Food, booze, plenty of dick.”

“Plenty of dick? So, they’re loyal to the club? To you guys only?”

“Don’t know what or who they do when they ain’t here.” The only one he ever kept tabs on was Liz. “Also don’t give a fuck what they do when they ain’t here. But when they are here, they get no judgment.”

He said the last part for a reason. He hoped to fuck Shay didn’t judge them. If she did, he’d be pissed. Yeah, the sweet butts could sometimes be a pain in the ass, but being Fury property, all the guys protected them. They didn’t abuse the club girls or treat them like shit and because of that, they stuck around.

And Brandy was right. The benefits were mutual.

Shay raised both hands with her palms out. “No judgment here. I know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of that and as long as they’re adults, it’s their choice what they do with their lives and their bodies. But…”

Ozzy cocked one eyebrow. “But?”

“But she would’ve had sex with you right here on the bar, like she said, if you’d asked her.”


“She would also join us if I was into that.”

“Are you?”

She blinked.

He waited.

She blinked again.

Her mouth opened, a little hiss escaped her and she snapped it shut again.

“Are you?” he asked again. His voice might have gone up one octave.

“I’ve never…” The air hissed softly out of her again.

“It somethin’ you’d wanna try?”

Shay glanced back toward the door where Brandy disappeared. When she turned back to Ozzy, her eyebrows pinned together. “If I said yes, you’d make it happen?”

Damn. “You sayin’ yes?”


He tipped his head to the side. “Why you teasin’ me like that? You just gave me a fuckin’ boner.”

Her brown eyes dropped to his lap. “You’re really into that.” Not a question, but an amused statement.

At least she wasn’t horrified. Or demanding he take her back to the motel so she could run home to Boston and never look back.

It gave him a little hope. “What guy with a functionin’ dick ain’t?”

“A gay guy?”

Ozzy snorted. “Gay guys are into threesomes, too. Just not with women.”