Suddenly her confidence ratcheted up a few notches.

“You might want me to build one for your club, too. Earlier, I did a quick search online and found that a few MCs have websites. They also sell merchandise and more.”

“Could be a good way to find any more Originals out there,” Trip said, flipping his cap off his head and scraping his fingers through his hair before jerking it back on.

“Or their kids,” Deacon added.

Ozzy could see Trip’s wheels turning as their prez glanced at Deacon and nodded.

“Would you like me to give you a proposal to design websites for the motel, the club and Tioga Pet Services?” She counted the three businesses off on her fingers. “If you want me to design custom logos, it’ll be extra but I can put together a package deal. The more work, the bigger the discount.”

Ozzy could see she was trying to contain her excitement.

“No,” Trip said, tilting his head as his gaze landed on Ozzy.

She deflated in front of Ozzy’s eyes. “Oh… okay…”

Trip slid the laptop back across the table toward her. “Write this shit down…”

With her brow furrowed, she leaned across the table, grabbed the laptop and turned it toward her.

Ozzy used his foot to kick out the chair next to him. “Sit. No reason to keep standin’. Told you this shit’s casual.”

She nodded, took the seat next to him and began to type as Trip talked.

“Now,” Trip started, “want a site for the motel with some sort of reservation system and an updated one for the crematorium. For now, just a landing page for the club with only basic contact info. Ain’t gettin’ into any merch at this point. Not sure I want other fuckers wearin’ our colors on hats, shirts and shit like that. Fuck that. Our colors represent our family and our family ain’t for sale. Also, need a site for Shelter from the Storm. Reilly can work with you on that.” He glanced at Deke. “For the bail bonds biz?”

Deacon shrugged. “Got some generic bullshit page now. A badass logo and interactive website would be killer. Maybe even a way to take online payments.”

Trip turned back to Shay. “Add Justice Bail Bonds to the list. Buck You Recovery, my repo business, too. That one don’t gotta be too fancy since, for the most part, we deal directly with the finance companies.”

“How about Crazy Pete’s?” Shay was no longer hiding her excitement and he could hear it in her question with all the potential work landing in her lap. “I could set up an events page for all the activities the bar has. Like the band the other night. It might bring in even more customers.”

Trip’s eyes had sliced to Ozzy when Shay mentioned the band. He shrugged slightly. No reason to hide the fact that he took her there since Dodge and the prospects were witnesses.

Trip eventually nodded. “Yeah, the bar’s finally makin’ a fuckin’ profit after suckin’ the coffers dry with all the scratch used to turn it around.”

“Will make it easier for bands to book. An easy way to contact Stella or Dodge.” Ozzy suggested. The more work she had, the longer she might stick around. “What about Dutch’s?”

Trip shrugged. “Club don’t get a cut of Dutch’s garage, so that would be up to him. He’d have to break out some of his fuckin’ moldy money, but I can talk to the old man about it. Also don’t get a cut of the bail bonds business, so Judge and Deke will pay for that portion. But it’s a good time to get it done for both businesses.”

Deacon tapped his index finger on the table. “Agreed.”

“How soon can you get me a proposal?” Trip asked Shay.

She lifted her head from her computer. “I’ll start working on it tonight.”

She was going to do what? “Yeah, no. We got plans. She can work on it tomorrow.”

Trip nodded. “Ain’t in no rush. Ozzy probably ain’t in no rush, either. Are you, Oz?”

“Motel’s been pullin’ a profit without a website,” he answered, purposely misunderstanding. Even so, he figured what he said was true even though Red was the one who did the books. Ozzy was sure he’d hear about it if the motel was in the hole.

“Ain’t what I meant,” Trip said with a grin. He did a single clap. “‘Kay. Once we see how much this is gonna set us back and we give you the go ahead to begin, we’ll get you hooked up with whoever’s in charge of whatever business you’re workin’ on so they can give you all the details.”

“I would need access to take photos, too. A photo gallery is always good to have on a website.”

“‘Cept for the club site. No photos. No address. Just a contact number and email.”

“Got it,” Shay said as she typed more notes. “Is that it for the club’s businesses?”