He offered his hand and she took it, allowing him to help her dismount. And as soon as she did, he followed. She hadn’t expected him to do so, but it filled her with hope that the night wasn’t over yet.

He stepped boot to boot with her, tipping his head down. “‘Night, Shay.”

Was he serious? Was he just going to end it right here? Right now? Say goodnight to her outside her motel room and then they’d go their separate ways?

She needed to speak out. All her life she’d kept what she really wanted to herself and only told people what they wanted to hear.

This is your time, Shay, to take control of your life, to speak out, to let others hear your voice. To express what you want known. He can only say no. And while that may hurt, it won’t destroy you. It’s life. Live it.

“I don’t want this night to end.”

“You ain’t the only one,” came his rumble, almost as rich as the sound of his bike’s exhaust.

“Well… since we’re on the same page…” She grabbed a fistful of his shirt and dragged him over to her door without any resistance from him. “There’s still a lot of time left before morning. And my bed’s closer.”

“That it is,” was his soft response close to her ear as he plucked her keycard from her fingers, reached around her to open the door and used his chest against her back to nudge her inside.

She needed no encouragement.

At least until he turned on every freaking light in the room, wearing a sexy damn grin the whole time.

It wasn’t long before his grin was gone and she hoped the noise coming from her room didn’t disturb whoever was working the midnight shift in the office next door.

And if it did…

Well then, she’d apologize if she had to.

Though, in truth, she wouldn’t be sorry.

She’d be totally freaking satisfied.

And hopefully, so would the man who caused her to make all that racket.

Ozzy was flat on his back.

What the fuck? He never slept on his back. Mostly because when he did, he tended to snore and for the last couple of years, Lizzy had trained him to roll over by—

His eyes blinked open and he dipped his chin to stare at the weight on his chest.

It wasn’t blonde hair fanned over his chest but dark brown hair.

He couldn’t tell if Shay was still sleeping because last night he had undone her braid and her hair now hid her face. With her breathing slow and steady and her body relaxed against him, his best guess was she was still asleep.

Her dark hair now had waves that it didn’t have on Saturday. It had to be from her hair being bound into that tight braid. He grabbed a thick lock of it and slid the strands over his chest and his one exposed nipple, loving the silky feel against his skin.

He absent-mindedly rubbed those strands between his fingertips as he tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling to relive their night.

He discovered one thing. She fucked like she kissed.

That wasn’t a bad thing.

Fuck no, it was a great thing.

However, he could tell that once he had turned on every damn light in that room, she had tensed and began brushing her hands over her top in a nervous gesture, all while gnawing on her bottom lip.

It didn’t take long for him to convince her she had nothing to worry about. He also enjoyed every fucking second it took for him to do that.

In the end, he inspected every damn inch of her. Not only with his sight, but with his touch, taste and by inhaling her scent. Then did once more. But twice wasn’t enough. He could explore her body forever.

The woman currently draped over his chest was the exact opposite of the woman who left him not long ago.

Shay’s confidence hid just below the surface and took a little urging to come out. But it was there. He’d seen it.

She wasn’t an in-your-face type of woman, but her personality was more subtle, more subdued. A quiet strength.

He could tell it took her some effort to be outgoing, to make her wants known, but at least she was aware of it and made the effort.

Most of the women in the Fury sisterhood, as well as the sweet butts, had very strong personalities. Even Red might look and sound as reserved as Shay, but Sig’s ol’ lady had a spine of steel and her personality had to be strong to deal with the club’s VP.

Though, Sig would break his own back to save Red’s.

Never in his fucking life had Ozzy been in a relationship like theirs. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever want to be.

To be so connected, one relied on the other to keep living. It was like they shared the same blood in their veins and breath in their lungs. Ozzy wasn’t sure Sig would survive without Red.