He had asked what she needed.

Her answer was simple. Nothing more than what he was already doing.

Because he was doing it so freaking well.

She had no suggestions for him how to get her there quicker, since she was already speeding down that path like a runaway truck with cut brake lines.

How could sex on a motorcycle be so damn good?

How could sex with this gruff man be so damn satisfying?

How did she end up here?

Of course, the only answer was he was causing her to lose her mind.

The vibrations of the engine rumbling beneath her, the way Ozzy moved his hips, the skill he had with his tongue and now his fingers on her clit, the powerful way he took her mouth…

It wasn’t only one thing, it was all of it.

And possibly even the thrilling, but scary, thought of getting caught having sex on a bike out in the open in a public state park.

Of someone seeing them.

Like two teenagers parking at a make-out spot. Something she never got to do, something she never thought she would ever do.

“Shay.” Her name vibrated against her lips that she had pressed to his damp throat.

She dug her short, but still sharp, nails deeper into his ass, encouraging him to keep going, to stay the course, because she was so… so… “So close.”

The motion of his fingers on her clit became more frantic, and when his hips stuttered for a second, she realized he had to be hanging by a thread.

One about to snap.

He wanted her to come, she wanted to come, but she also didn’t want any of this to be over.

However, he was a man and not a machine and could only last for so long, so she let herself go, let him sweep her away under the growing swells. Tumbling. Tumbling. Until she was there, surging against the breakers, their lips crashing together as intense tidal waves ripped through her body, taking him along, forcing him to tumble with her.

With one last powerful thrust, his grunt was captured in her mouth. Then they were no longer kissing, their lips barely touching as they both simply breathed.

As reality washed back in, the rumble of his Harley sounded deafening in the night. How no one heard that, heard them, couldn’t be possible.

She realized it wasn’t.

As flashes of high beams broke through the trees, he lifted his head and ground out a deep, “Fuck.” Then came a forceful, “Get dressed.”

After he pulled out of her and began to fumble with the condom, she climbed off his bike, grabbed her jeans and yanked them back up her legs, wiggling them into place.

She’d never gone commando in her life.

But then, she never had her panties ripped off her, either. By teeth, no less.

One more unexpected experience to add to the list of this crazy weekend.

She shoved her feet back into her boots, not bothering to lace them but tucking the laces inside the boots and pulling her jeans down over them to keep them from getting caught on anything.

The bright lights were coming closer as he threw his leg over his “sled” and quickly helped her climb on behind him.

Her heart was trying to pound a hole through her chest as she settled her behind back on the seat where she just had two intense orgasms.

“Time to fuckin’ go,” was her only warning before he twisted the throttle, dropped the bike into gear and shot past what had to be a park ranger in an SUV pulling into the dark lot. They were gone before whoever it was could turn a spotlight on them.

Now the thrill was no longer the chance of getting caught, but of the escape itself.

As they raced along a back country road, she threw both arms over her head and up in the air as if she was riding a roller coaster and whooped loudly. She shouted, “Hell yes!” into the dark night, her excitement straining her voice but not caring one damn bit.

“Hang on tight, sweetheart,” he yelled back to her in warning. “Last thing I wanna do is lose you.”

She giggled with a freedom and a joy she hadn’t felt in a long time, snaked her arms back around him and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck. Then, feeling especially naughty, she ran her tongue up the center. He reached back and cupped the back of her head for a second, before slowly trailing his fingers down her arm, to intertwine their hands where hers was pressed to his gut.

His holding her hand came to an end too quickly, since he needed both to get them back to the motel safely.

Unfortunately, a lot quicker than she hoped.

He once again pulled into the parking spot next to her Lexus and shut off his Harley.

She was reluctant to move because as soon as she got off his bike, the night might be over. She wasn’t ready for that.