Not yet.

His dick now pulsed in his jeans. It told him to hurry, while his brain told him to take his time and appreciate the gift she was giving him.

He placed his mouth over the cotton where her clit would be and sucked until it was soaked and the fabric clung to every curve. Her hips rose and she breathed his name, but it quickly got swallowed up by the night sounds surrounding them.

He tugged her panties to the side, flicked his eyes to her face and saw she was watching him. Waiting. He turned his attention back down, sucking the exposed fold into his mouth, finally getting to taste her.

He tugged a little more to reveal her clit and he paused over it, letting his warm breath puff over the sensitive nub. Then he blew lightly on it.


He stuck out his tongue, touching the very tip of it to the tip of her clit. Just giving her enough to tease her. To make her want more.


He clamped his mouth around it and sucked.

He should have told her to remove her damn panties, too.

“Fuck this,” he muttered against her heat.

With his teeth, he tore the elastic. Her surprised gasp filled his ears as he used his hand to rip her panties enough to pull them off, to expose her completely. Until nothing was hidden from his mouth, from his touch.

He tossed what remained over his shoulder and into the dark behind him. A sacrifice he hoped she was willing to make.

But she made no complaints about the loss. Instead, she shoved her pussy into his face and he took that as a sign to continue.

So, he did.

He dove in, not caring that her juices covered his face, or soaked his beard. With his fingers in a V, he parted her lips, giving him better access to taste every fucking crease, every fold. Every sensitive spot.

She got so wet that he had no problem sliding two fingers inside her, urging her to hurry to orgasm so he could replace his fingers and tongue with his dick.

It was throbbing and leaking and complaining at being ignored. His balls were pulled tight, his heart raced.

But he wanted to give her this first. He wanted her to give him this, too.

This moment.

Each noise she made spurred him further. Each twitch of her hips encouraged him to continue.

Until finally, he heard nothing but her wails echoing through the night, and her hips shot up and off the seat as she gushed over his tongue, filled his mouth with her sweet tang.

He stayed with her, licking and sucking until the last ripple faded away and she relaxed and lowered her ass back to the seat with a soft, “Oh.”

He grinned, quickly straightened and ripped his wallet out of his back pocket, ripping open the snaps and using only his touch to find a wrap because he couldn’t rip his eyes from her.

He let the wallet fall from his fingers and hang by the chain that attached it to his belt loop as he tore the wrapper open and let that fall, too. After shoving his already gaping jeans down farther, he pulled out his erection and wrapped it tight.

He shuffled closer, not wanting to wait but noticing her arms were now shaking from both holding her own weight and her explosive orgasm.

“Sit up and wrap your arms around my neck.”

Once he helped her do that, she whispered, “Hurry.” Her chest was heaving and he wanted to suck on her tits, but now was not the time for that. Not where they were.

He just hoped like fuck he got that chance later.

“Hang on tight, sweetheart. Ride’s gonna get a little bumpy.”

“Did you say bumpy or humpy?”

He glanced down into her face. She wore a smile. Even in the dark it was blinding. That she didn’t hide it from him meant more than she knew.

“Both. Wrap your legs ‘round me if you gotta—” Before he was even finished, she had her bare legs encircling his waist, pulling him closer.

Grabbing his hard as fuck dick, he slid the tip through her hot folds, gathering some of her arousal, then he put it right where it needed to be. His dick was screaming at him to thrust forward, his brain was trying desperately to keep him from fucking up.

He didn’t want to fuck this up.

“Last chance,” he warned her.

“For what?” she asked.

“To back out.”

“Don’t you fucking dare.”

Fuck yeah.

Maybe he didn’t need to worry about his personality overwhelming her. Maybe he was being cautious all for nothing.

She had admitted she wanted to be pushed out of her comfort zone…

She came to the right fucking man for that. All he needed was some more time with her and he’d push her to the point she was in a new time zone.

He could blow her goddamn mind if she let him.