Slip quietly through the back door instead of storming through the front.

“I figured you’d want to bury something else there.”

No truer words… “That, too. But dyin’ to taste you first.”


Your cunt. Small bits. Small fucking bits… He scratched the back of his neck. “Just told you where.”

She pressed a hand to her cheek. “No, I meant where… We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

She only ever rode with her father, so, of course, she had no knowledge of doing a “sled spread.” Fucking on a bike.

He’d christened every sled he’d ever owned like that. Sometimes it had been great, sometimes it was awkward and sucked.

He had no doubt that fucking Shay on his sled tonight would make it a night to remember. Even if it ended up being a clumsy attempt.

But if she was willing…

“Is there a risk someone will catch us here?” She glanced around again, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip.

“Will cover you. Parked so they’ll be blinded by my white ass first before they would ever see you. Gonna keep your panties and shirt on, in case we gotta bail quick.”

“In case we have to bail quick?” she repeated in a squeak. “I’ll have to take off my boots and jeans and—”


“Yeah? All you have to do is shove your jeans down a bit.”

“Yeah, know how it works.” His jaw shifted. “If you ain’t into it…”

For Christ’s sake, don’t say you ain’t into it. Say you want me bad enough you can’t wait, either.

Instead of responding, she turned and headed over to his sled. Did she want to leave?


“I’ve never done anything like this before.” She perched her ass on the edge of his seat and began to unlace her boots.

Well, fuck.

It took everything he had to force out, “Don’t gotta do it.”

She paused, lifted her head and once again shocked the shit out of him. “Oh no. We’re doing this. One, because this weekend was all about me pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Two, and most importantly…”

He waited.

“I want your face between my legs.” Her head tipped down again and she finished removing her boots, but left on her socks.

Good call.

She stood and shimmied out of her jeans, draping them over his handlebars. Within reach in a pinch. Another good call.

While she was using her noggin, he stood there watching her like a brainless fucking idiot.

He was an idiot. He wanted to see her in the fucking light. Now, he realized his impatience was fucking him over.

But then, if he didn’t fuck this up and it wasn’t a complete disaster, maybe she’d want it again where he could see every fucking inch of her.

Yeah, time to execute this plan, then make the next one.

She turned and he raked his gaze over her.

Her, “Well?” got his feet moving.

As he approached, she smoothed out her blouse in a nervous gesture like she had yesterday. “I’m going to assume you’ve done this before so you’ll have to provide some guidance.”

“Don’t think you’re the first?”

A soft snort came from her. “I’m not stupid.”

He grinned. No, she sure as shit wasn’t.

“Though, I’m wondering about how stupid this decision is. I feel really exposed.”

He needed to take her mind off that before she changed it. He knew exactly how to do that. He jerked his chin toward the rear portion of his seat, the raised part where the passenger sat. “Mount up, but backwards.”

Even in the dark, he could see her eyebrows rise as she considered what he said.

He helped her sit on the seat, then, grabbing one of her wrists, he planted her hand behind her on the main part of the seat. He did it again with her other hand, so she was leaning back, using her arms for support.

Fuck, the woman looked both dick-hardening and mouth-watering stretched out like that on his hog. And she wasn’t even fucking naked.

“Feet on the pegs and spread your knees,” he ordered as he circled the rear of his bike.

“Ozzy…” His name came out on a shaky breath.

For fuck’s sake, here came her second thoughts in three… two…

He ran his fingers along the soft skin of her inner thighs, gripped her upper thighs and, hoping to fuck his exhaust pipes weren’t still skin-scarring hot, he burrowed his face into the apex of her legs.

He inhaled deeply as he trailed his nose along her panties. Fuck yeah, they were damp and they smelled like a warm, wet woman who wanted him.

Heaven. That was what she smelled like.

Using the very tip of his tongue, he lightly traced the damp line along the cotton.

He was torn. He wanted the anticipation to build, but he also wanted to rush because he couldn’t wait to slide into the woman and feel her soft heat surround him.

With his finger, he traced the edge where her skin met elastic, pulling slightly but not moving the fabric away.