Shay shot the woman a big smile of her own over her shoulder. “I plan on it.”

When she stepped back out in the August heat and humidity, Ozzy immediately started his “sled” again and when she stepped closer, he held out his hand to assist her in mounting behind him.

As soon as she settled in and with his gruff order to, “Hold on tight,” he twisted the throttle and they shot out of the lot and onto Main Street.

The ride was short to Dino’s Diner since it was only a few blocks away and closer to the center of town. Once they got there, he backed his bike into a spot that held two other motorcycles.

Her father used to do the same thing. Instead of taking a whole parking spot up with only one motorcycle, most riders tended to share the space. But the other two Kawasakis Ozzy parked next to didn’t hold a candle to his beautiful Harley.

There was no comparison at all. The lines of his all-black Sportster were as sexy as the man who owned it.

He helped her back off the bike and when he did so, his hand slid slowly from hers, his fingers dragging along the inside of her palm and down to her fingertips before separating. More goosebumps broke out over her heated skin at that sensual touch. His gray eyes tipped down to the two very noticeable goosebumps trying to poke through her linen blouse.

One side of his mouth pulled up and he slowly raised his eyes to hers.

She lifted one shoulder in a half shrug.

He snorted and dismounted, then placed his broad hand on her lower back as he steered her inside the busy diner.

On a Sunday night in the middle of summer, the place was packed solid. The hostess bypassed the rest of the people already waiting by the entrance and approached them. “Hey, Oz, surprised to see you back here so soon.”

“Much better company this time,” he said with a wink.

The hostess, whose name tag said Ellen, winked back at him and gave him a grin. “Lucky girl.” She grabbed two menus and tipped her head toward the rear of the dinner. “We’re full but I’ll find a spot for you two.”

Shay lifted her eyebrows at Ozzy at them skipping the line. He ignored her reaction and with his hand still planted on the small of her back, guided her while they followed the older woman with short, almost-white hair.

They skirted full tables, the packed counter and bypassed booths along the outer edges of the diner that had been a part of Manning Grove as long as Shay could remember. The hostess was heading toward a folding accordion door at the back. The door was partially open and whatever space was behind it was dark.

Were they going to get to eat in a private room?

A high-pitched, very loud “Yooooo hooooo!” had Ozzy groaning under his breath, and Shay glanced up at him to see his head turned toward a booth at one end of the diner.

The man frantically waving them over was thin, blond and, even seated, appeared tall. The dark-haired man sitting across from him seemed not as tall, but much more solid and broad. When he turned his light blue eyes toward Ozzy and her, she saw they were as stunning as Ozzy’s.

“Fuck,” Ozzy muttered.

She wondered if his reaction was caused by the very obviously gay man sitting at the table or if it was the dark-haired man wearing a police uniform sitting across from him.

Ellen paused their little parade and turned to Ozzy. “I’ll set you two up in the back where you guys normally sit and get Gidget to bring you water and a Coke.”

“Sprite for me, please,” Shay called out as she found herself being steered over to that booth.

Once Ellen gave her a nod and continued on her trek towards the back, Shay turned her attention to the three men.

“Teddy,” Oz greeted with a chin lift.

“Well, hellooooo, handsome. Been a while since you sat your tush in my chair, you naughty boy. Why are you ignoring me?” The man named Teddy pouted.

“Ain’t ignorin’ you.” He drew his fingers down his beard. “Thought I’ve been doin’ a good job.”

Teddy eyed up Ozzy’s face. “Meh. Not too shabby, but I can make it better.”

“Oz,” the cop greeted in a deep, rumbling voice.

Ozzy’s eyes didn’t even flick to the police officer, instead he kept them on Teddy but Shay didn’t miss the muscles tighten in his jaw.

Teddy curved a hand around the side of his mouth and in a loud stage whisper, said, “You leather-wearing gorillas give my man a complex. He thinks you don’t like him.” Before Ozzy could respond, Teddy turned his emerald green eyes toward Shay. “Now, who is this gorgeous gal, handsome? And where have you been hiding her?”